Do you think it might be wise if Sega gave away Shenmue 1 & 2 HD on PlayStation Plus?

Feb 3, 2019
Sydney Australia
Favourite title
Shenmue II
Currently playing
Tekken 7 (always Tekken 7)
I was looking at the May line up for PlayStation Plus games and was kinda disappointed in the line up when a thought occurred.

We're 4 months away from Shenmue III, right? Do you think it would be in Sega's best interests to maybe give away Shenmue 1 & 2 HD on PlayStation Plus before the release of Shenmue III? I know they have nothing to gain from Shenmue III but still, would be a nice bit of good will and would give the games another shot of finding a wider audience (if it's free then you know people will at least try them out)

Anyways, just a thought.

Think Sega would do it?
It would be nice of Sega to do that but I don't really see it happening because what would be their benefit?
They get no money from Shenmue III sales as they aren't involved and not making any on Shenmue I&II either?
Doesn't seem like a smart move for a business.
It would be nice of Sega to do that but I don't really see it happening because what would be their benefit?
They get no money from Shenmue III sales as they aren't involved and not making any on Shenmue I&II either?
Doesn't seem like a smart move for a business.
The way I understand it, publishers get a lump sum from Sony for offering their game on PS+. That could be completely wrong though as I've also read that payment is determined by number for downloads.

Either way, I don't think it would be worthwhile for Sega to do honestly. Whatever Sony's offering right now for PS+ games can't be very good going off of recent PS+ games. A good digital sale might be better when measuring the franchise's profitability against its exposure/distribution.
It makes 1000% sense to do this and very logical for Sega to put Shenmue I and II up for PlayStation Plus. Which is why I know with absolute certainty that Sega will not do it.
I'm sure publishers only put their games on PS+ in exchange for financial incentive from Sony, otherwise there's no point in literally giving away the game unless they have their own sequel to promote, which Sega's shown no interest in doing with Shenmue 3.

So the question is whether it would be wise for Sony to procure Shenmue I & II for PS+, and given their attachment to 3 both as exclusive console platform holder and as promotional partner I'd say yes, they should absolutely be knocking on Sega's door by now.
I think it would be very beneficial if there was some sort of deal worked out between Sony, Sega and YS Net. In an ideal world, giving a gamer a $0.00 entry point into the franchise to help entice them to purchase Shenmue 3 is a perfect move. However, on the business end of things, we have three separate entities that would need to be involved for this to happen. Sony did originally agree to help with some of the marketing and promotion surrounding Shenmue 3, but at the time that deal was made, Shenmue 1&2 HD was just a pipe dream. Ultimately I think we will see Shenmue 1&2 get a deep discount on PS4 and Steam in the month of August. Things to keep in mind when having this conversation include:

1. Whatever deal was made between YS Net and Sega for Yu Suzuki to be able to make Shenmue 3 had to have some sort of mention of how Shenmue 4 would be handled and who would own the rights, etc.... If there is potential for collaborative efforts between Sega and YS Net for Shenmue 4, then there will definitely be cooperation in an attempt to make Shenmue 3 as successful as possible. This could include some kickback from Sega to YS Net for doing a deep discount on Shenmue 1&2 in August.​
2. Sony has a vested interest in seeing the project (Shenmue 3) be as successful as possible as they did invest money into it. Sony wants to be "THE" place for people to play games and this would be another step in that direction.​
3. In their fiscal 2018 year end financials, Sega specifically mentioned that they want to revive current IPs to help steer the company in a better direction financially. Helping Shenmue 3 become a success would allow them to deliver on this initiative and co-develop Shenmue 4 with YS Net.​
4. The lower the financial barrier of entry (price) to the Shenmue franchise is, the greater the likelihood of someone will be to try it out.​
To be fair, Sega may have more of a vested interest in the Shenmue series than we think. Reason being is because they actually tried to execute a full fledged on remake of the first two games out of their own pockets. So while it's difficult to be optimistic towards Sega's treatment of the Shenmue series, the fact they would budget out a Shenmue remake is an positive trend I think.
To be fair, Sega may have more of a vested interest in the Shenmue series than we think. Reason being is because they actually tried to execute a full fledged on remake of the first two games out of their own pockets. So while it's difficult to be optimistic towards Sega's treatment of the Shenmue series, the fact they would budget out a Shenmue remake is an positive trend I think.

I concur. I've feel that SEGA really has wanted to do more with the series, but couldn't really find any good way to justify sinking money into a franchise that famously lost them money. Perhaps it's SEGA's continued reverence for Yu Suzuki's talent and vision. The man is perhaps as important to gaming as Shigeru Miyamoto, and a lot of SEGA's success to begin with can accurately be attributed to Yu Suzuki's contributions as both a visionary director/designer, as well as a good producer. This is perhaps mixed with feelings of guilt, as SEGA's failures ended up impacting Suzuki's efforts to create his magnum opus. And part of it was just that everything was overshadowed by the Sony marketing monolith of the day.

Basically, I think, to this day, SEGA's feelings about Shenmue are completely intertwined with their feelings about the Dreamcast's death. Based on all that I've managed to read, SEGA's demeanor towards Shenmue has always seemed remorseful more than anything else. SEGA deliberately aiming for an expensive remake first, rather than just a port, strikes me as a move that isn't cold and corporate, but brought on from a desire to do well by the series. Eventually, I think the realisation settled back in that such an expense still couldn't be justified, and a port was decided upon instead.

Now, I could be completely wrong, but look at most any other game company that isn't interested in doing anything with a series. When's the last time Valve has acknowledge Half-Life or even Left 4 Dead? They didn't even put Half-Life on sale several months ago when it was HL's 20th anniversary. When's the last time Activision mentioned SWAT or Soldier of Fortune? When's the last time Ubisoft's mentioned Prince of Persia or Driver? Or when's the last time Koei-Tecmo has mentioned Ninja Gaiden? What about Capcom and Lost Planet or God Hand or Viewtiful Joe? Last time Marvelous XSEED touched Deadly Premonition, they produced really half-assed, busted ports that they never fixed. FROM Software hasn't touched Tenchu or Armored Core or especially King's Field for years and years now. Konami doesn't care about any of their IPs other than PES now. Even the early Silent Hill titles, despite having masterpiece statuses, got only a sloppy port from them. Square Enix hasn't said a word about Thief pretty much since the 2014 game came out. The list goes on and on and on... and yet SEGA has a record of having said something about Shenmue every few years, and it always reads pretty closely to, "We wish we could do something with Shenmue." And when they finally had the chance to do something with it, their first instinct was to sink an unjustifiable (to parent company Sega Sammy, in particular) amount of money into a full-on updated remake of Shenmue 1 & 2. That, to me, speaks volumes.
I concur. I've feel that SEGA really has wanted to do more with the series, but couldn't really find any good way to justify sinking money into a franchise that famously lost them money. Perhaps it's SEGA's continued reverence for Yu Suzuki's talent and vision. The man is perhaps as important to gaming as Shigeru Miyamoto, and a lot of SEGA's success to begin with can accurately be attributed to Yu Suzuki's contributions as both a visionary director/designer, as well as a good producer. This is perhaps mixed with feelings of guilt, as SEGA's failures ended up impacting Suzuki's efforts to create his magnum opus. And part of it was just that everything was overshadowed by the Sony marketing monolith of the day.
We know there are people at the top, Nagoshi for example (Chief Creative Officer), who appreciate Yu Suzuki and his contributions to SEGA, but that wasn't always the case. In the years following the Dreamcast's demise, Suzuki was pinned as the fall guy and shoved in a corner office where he worked on nothing of note for years, until he left.

Even though SEGA attempted a full-on remake of I & II, which is commendable, it was SEGA Europe, not SEGA Japan, who spearheaded the efforts. Strange, considering Shenmue was developed in Japan with key staff who still work at SEGA. This, and the apparent lack of help from SEGA Japan during the development of the re-releases, tells me there is still some resistance to Shenmue at SEGA HQ. I'm pretty sure it never would've happened if SEGA Europe didn't push so hard for it.

At the end of the day, the Shenmue series has always seemed like a risky financial proposition, and until Shenmue III makes everyone involved a lot of money, I don't think SEGA's attitude towards the series will change.
Even though SEGA attempted a full-on remake of I & II, which is commendable, it was SEGA Europe, not SEGA Japan, who spearheaded the efforts. Strange, considering Shenmue was developed in Japan with key staff who still work at SEGA. This, and the apparent lack of help from SEGA Japan during the development of the re-releases, tells me there is still some resistance to Shenmue at SEGA HQ. I'm pretty sure it never would've happened if SEGA Europe didn't push so hard for it.

Ah, SEGA's fuckin' internal political bickering bullshit. Wasn't this kind of crap a big problem for them around the time of the Dreamcast, too? At least it worked in our favour this time. Thanks, SEGA Europe!
Ah, SEGA's fuckin' internal political bickering bullshit. Wasn't this kind of crap a big problem for them around the time of the Dreamcast, too? At least it worked in our favour this time. Thanks, SEGA Europe!
It was basically their downfall. It's why they squandered the success of the Mega Drive/Genesis, eventually leading to the terrible Saturn hardware and launch. By the time SEGA had sorted their shit and created the excellent Dreamcast hardware, it was too late. From the day it launched, Dreamcast was essentially on a timer: how long can SEGA last until the cost of producing hardware catches up with them. Turns out about a year and a half :crying:
It would be a great idea. Maybe for July/August. Giving new players an opportunity to play the games ready for Shenmue 3.

The question is how many people will play it. I know with the ps plus games I don't play the majority of them (I really should) and forget about them when other games I've ordered arrive etc.
Ah, SEGA's fuckin' internal political bickering bullshit. Wasn't this kind of crap a big problem for them around the time of the Dreamcast, too? At least it worked in our favour this time. Thanks, SEGA Europe!

It has been said that Sega of Japan resented Sega of America's success with the Genesis. The Mega Drive wasn't a big seller in Japan and it has been said by Tom Kalinski that there was a ton of resentment among the Japanese side for the success they were having state side. Sega of America was originally approached by Silicon Graphics with hardware was along the lines of what would power the N64....but Sega of Japan declined it in favor of their own hardware. It's a shame that internal bickering dented what could have been.
This continues to reinforce my perspective that SEGA Japan is actually the weakest link of SEGA. What a terrible shame. :/
I'm more disappointed they didn't make the Playstation with Sony, rather than the Sega 64. Fuck N64s video output and gfx, even with the expansion pak they always looked utter shit. Stayuing the branch who made the Mega Drive in the first place, the Saturn and especially Dreamcast as well as most of their clsassic titles being weakest link is preposterous, though.

Back on topic: I only thik they should do a 50% sale around July or August to commemorate a year anniversary/Shenmue 3 nearing. Still crossing fingers for a very dim chance they might also give one more patch for the tiny odds and ends still wonky.
Has it even been out a year yet? I don’t think it’d be a smart move, no. Putting it on sale alongside the Virtua Fighter, Yakuza series and any of the vintage collections with Suzuki’s games in would, but I never expect a game to be free with Gold or owt til at least a couple years after release.
I would think they're expecting a bump in sales thanks to Shenmue III, so I'd be surprised if they did. But I guess it depends on how much they would earn from the PS+ spot.
It would certainly help out with Shenmue 3 around the corner. I actually got Shenmue 1 & 2 when it was on sale last year on PSN for $17. Not sure how many people would download it. Really depends on Sega if they allow for it to happen.