Kickstarter Update #102 - PC Gaming Show Update: New Trailer & Epic Games Store Exclusive for PC Version!

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I am Talking about Internet Forums and not the Kickstarter. There is no proof that People in the other Forums all backer.
There are plenty of angry people on this forum, most, if not all of whom, are backers.

I’m not affected as I’d planned to play through the game on PS4, but I can empathize with those that are and am angry at how they have effectively been lied to for the sake of a few extra silver coins.
Reality is most folks who will buy Shenmue III will be parents and kids shopping in retail stores who don’t even know about it now...seasonal promotions, retail kiosks, and marketplace demos are a beautiful thing...

Lol, do you honestly believe the Fortnite generation of kids will want their parents to buy them a niche game like Shenmue?
Reality is most folks who will buy Shenmue III will be parents and kids shopping in retail stores who don’t even know about it now...seasonal promotions, retail kiosks, and marketplace demos are a beautiful thing...

I'm 100% sure parents and kids shopping will get past V-Bucks, Fortnite merchandise, Star Wars and Pokémon to buy Shenmue III, out of nowhere. :")
Wake up. A huge amount of people are pissed. I've read through Steam and Kick. and Reddit posts. Kickstarter is not 50 loud spammers. Almost all of the posts are from deeply disappointed folks who feel betrayed and they have reason to do so. And new posts are coming through on Kick frequently.

I hope steam keys are given Day 1 to the backers but I don't think it will happen. Your post is an insult to those who feel hugely let down and to those people who may not even know of this bait and switch bullshit.

This is getting silly. It was not my intention to insult anyone and certainly not on a personal level. If you want to go down emotive, hyperbolic route though then your post is an insult to those who care far more about Shenmue 3 and making it exist than what arbitrary distribution platform Deep Silver use for the PC version. To think people went from "just release it as a graphic novel or scriptbook or tell us the plot" to this.
I'm 100% sure parents and kids shopping will get past V-Bucks, Fortnite merchandise, Star Wars and Pokémon to buy Shenmue III, out of nowhere. :")

Just you wait...PlayStation, Epic, and Retail Stores Worldwide, including Billion+ Gamers in China...this isn’t the dreamcast 99’ limited supply days anymore...

Just you wait...PlayStation, Epic, and Retail Stores Worldwide, including Billion+ Gamers in China...this isn’t the dreamcast limited supply anymore...

"PlayStation" I'm sure Sony will stop marketing Death Stranding when Shenmue III releases 7 days later to market it instead.

As for Epic, they'll only market Borderlands 3. YsNet got themselves two shit deals for pocket change and totally screwed up their partnerships.
Lol, do you honestly believe the Fortnite generation of kids will want their parents to buy them a niche game like Shenmue?
This was always the hope; using the hype of Shenmue 3 and the release of Shenmue 1 & 2 HD to increase overall interest in Shenmue. Being the most successful gaming Kickstarter of all time, hitting the initial funding goal in under an hour, that got a lot of attention from people who might otherwise never have even thought about Shenmue as something they want to play. All we need is a major YouTuber like PewDiePie to endorse Shenmue on release and you'll get that younger generation buying copies. But we have to deal with this current crisis first.
Just you wait...PlayStation, Epic, and Retail Stores Worldwide, including Billion+ Gamers in China...this isn’t the dreamcast 99’ limited supply days anymore...
Dude I love then positivity you bring I really do but even I'm having a hard time to ignore the outcry.

Even if some of it is spam it is there and will have an impact on sales however large or small.
"PlayStation" I'm sure Sony will stop marketing Death Stranding when Shenmue III releases 7 days later to market it instead.

As for Epic, they'll only market Borderlands 3. YsNet got themselves two shit deals for pocket change and totally screwed up their partnerships.

So you think you know more than the Borderlands developers too? Lol
Seriously screw Deep Silver/THQ. They didn't learn at all from the Metro Exodus fiasco. This all could have been avoided if SEGA had published Shenmue III in the first place.
Forgive me for the formatting. I'm on mobile. 3063
Looks like it will be on steam eventually.

On the same page it says that physical copies will be a code. Guess that's confirmed now.

Wonder when we'll get the demo?
your post is an insult to those who care far more about Shenmue 3 and making it exist than what arbitrary distribution platform Deep Silver use for the PC version.
It might seem arbitrary to you, but to those that utilize the many features that Steam provides and EGS lacks, it’s quite the slap in the face.

Perhaps they value Steam link or the ability to share content across accounts? Maybe they like having proper controller support or cloud saves? Maybe, just maybe, they are upset about having been sold out by a company they put their trust in.

For you to dismiss their concerns so casually is the real insult here...
I suspect that this decision was more down to naivety than greed, but that doesn’t make it any better. When you’ve been entrusted with millions of dollars and have made promises to those providing it, I like to think that you have a moral obligation to ensure that that money is spent wisely and those promises are fulfilled.

DS have proven themselves to be inept in almost every possible way. Their marketing has been poor and communication with the fans has been blunt and minimal. Every decision they’ve made has served as another way to line their pockets, whether that be coming up with new ways to bleed money from the fans or making deals behind the curtain to screw them over. These practices have been going on there for some time.

Yu should have researched the company before making any deal with them and sought assurances that the promises he made during the Kickstarter campaign would be kept. A quick google search reveals a plethora of dirt on these cowboys and so one can only assume that he failed to do this or chose to overlook it in favor of investment.

I’d still be very surprised if he didn’t sign off on the Epic deal and although I could believe that his knowledge of the modern gaming scene is limited (he’s stated as much himself), I refuse to believe that no one on his team follows the gaming scene and pointed out to him how DS have screwed things up in the past. The deal seems to have been agreed very recently (less than a week ago the release date was still being updated on Steam) and so for nobody on the development team to have noticed the shit-storm caused by Epic’s exclusivity deal for Borderlands 3 again seems very unlikely.

As far as Yu not trying to squeeze more money out of the fans, surely the recently announced season pass is a direct contradiction of that? It’s possible (albeit unlikely) that he had no say in the Epic deal, but choosing to charge fans more money for content produced off the back of a game that they have already paid for seems like a douche move.

Without the support of fans, this game would not be happening. He keeps acknowledging this fact and yet his indifference towards us suggests that his words are empty.
It's easy to criticise Deep Silver now in retrospect, but they have a proven track record of releasing Japanese games around the world, and have a strong relationship with SEGA. Also, YS Net needed a publisher or Shenmue III would've been screwed. Deep Silver stepped up to the plate, and I don't feel like YS Net were in a position to be picky about whose money they were taking.

Completely disagree with your Season Pass comment as well. We paid for the game + the rewards -- that's it. They're not using the KS funds to create the extra content, that's long gone at this point, or stashed away to fulfill rewards. So why should backers get this extra content for free when we didn't pay for it? Apart from feeling entitled to it because we "made it happen" in the first place? I mean where do you draw the line...why don't we just get Shenmue IV for free as well because, without Shenmue III, it never would've happened?
It might seem arbitrary to you, but to those that utilize the many features that Steam provides and EGS lacks, it’s quite the slap in the face.

Perhaps they value Steam link or the ability to share content across accounts? Maybe they like having proper controller support or cloud saves? Maybe, just maybe, they are upset about having been sold out by a company they put their trust in.

For you to dismiss their concerns so casually is the real insult here...
I do understand people complains.
But I also think Epic Store doesn't make games unplayable. not even close.
PC sales, reputation, and faith in Kickstarter projects all killed in one swoop.
Look on the bright side. At least now nobody will ever be able to beat Shenmue's Kickstarter record. :p

As for the Shenmue's reputation, that remains to be seen. Right now it looks bad but if Shenmue 3 is a good game that will ultimately have the greatest impact on how history remembers this moment. Epic's store may crash and burn and even Steam might one day shut down but Shenmue 3 is forever.
Seriously screw Deep Silver/THQ. They didn't learn at all from the Metro Exodus fiasco. This all could have been avoided if SEGA had published Shenmue III in the first place.

Sega had no interest in making or publishing Shenmue 3. so this "if" doesnt help us.

i wont join the discussion about Epic, Deep Silver and YS Net and i wont defend anything
BUT without Deep Silver, Suzuki would only have the Kickstarter money to work with,
the developer team would be smaller, the size and depth of the game would be smaller
and the game would have been release in 2017 or 2018.

now look at the latest E3 trailer and imagine how Shenmue 3 would look with even more handicaps.

to get rid of Deep Silver is or was absolutely no guarantee for a better product.
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