Kickstarter Update #115 | Trial Version Distribution Notice

There's a general thread over in the spoiler forum with a code exchange section. I'll add you to the list of members wanting codes.
Thank you. I found that thread earlier but for some reason couldn't find it again during my lunch break.
If I could travel back in time to pre-2015 E3 and tell my past self this was my current situation I'm not sure how my past self would have reacted, this is monumental and my brain just can't process the situation we find ourselves in.... after all this time, so close to bailu village everytime I finished Shenmue 2 but getting no further than the cave... And this weekend I get to finally enter bailu village! ... Holy moly.
Yep, it's live. Also I installed EGS on my PC and suddenly it set the desktop background to the Chinese flag and started playing the national anthem of China, not complaining though, It's better than being a crybaby who doesn't get to enjoy Shenmue.
Ok folks, just remember that with this being out in the wild now, all in depth chatter and such is to go into the spoilers forum (now temporarily renamed as the Backer Trial Forum). We must be respectful of those who do not want to know about it, and want to wait until November to experience it.

I have to wait until I'm back from college to play it! This is going to be the longest day ever.
I wonder if fishing will be allowed in the game :unsure:
Yep, in the shop there is an item that says it's for fishing and walking by the river-side there is a sign that indicates you can fish there (which Ryo even comments on). Couldn't find a rod in the demo though.