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Well this thread fell apart quicker than i'd hoped...
For pointing out the mainstream racism the left perpetuates against white men ?
I'm a latino from a third world country, but the writing is on the wall.
The left is the one trying to put in on a racial ground (like "thinkers" like Marcuse would like), it's not the right.
I'm not gonna speak for him, but I'm pretty sure he's saying that just race alone is not a political system and useless idiots needs to stop blaming all the world's problems on white people as if we'd be half as advanced as a species without them...

If that's what he's saying he's doing a very poor job articulating it. Race is not a political system but it understandably is a political issue. And I agree with that, race alone isnt a political system but it does play a part enough to warrant a discussion.

First of all, the white males offended by this need to understand we're not saying every indignation across the world due to white people or white males. And I'm not saying "we" as in my political affiliations but from the perspective being non-white. Believe it or not we're not obsessed with white people the way some people think we are. You look closely the people having those discussions about are from regions where white males are in majority of power politically or economically like the United States currently. If ever the majority positions of power change to a different ethnicity here in the US you can bet your bottom dollar that in time that gender/racial combination gets criticized when inequities of substantial form arise.

Look at East Asia, they're not out blaming white men for any of their domestic issues because they have no real power out there. At this time they're too homogeneous to have any movement on any substantial discussion about race within their own borders but believe me they too have their own issues on the patriarchal society as they progress. And as their culture gets more diverse, race and the power of the Asian male will ultimately become a topic.

And by the way this is very anecdotal, but in my life the only people I've heard say anything about us being more advanced without white males existing have been white males that have felt threatened by this topic. I don't know your ethnicity Kodama so if you're not white you would've been the first non-white person to say that.
If you thought that racist video was a constructive conversation then explain your position.
Then tell me what of it requires to put it in racial context (any other than to stir conflict between races).
Because calling it white oppression, is not only racist, is objectively wrong.
Again, this mode of operandus has been marxist since the frankfurt school days, only that today the proletariat actually has more to loose than "their chains" like Marx stated, so better create another conflict in the wake of social classes caring more about having a car than to join their own built death camp.
You look closely the people having those discussions about are from regions where white males are in majority of power politically or economically like the United States currently.

An even higher proportion of them are taller than 5'8". We need to have a real discussion about heightism.

If ever the majority positions of power change to a different ethnicity here in the US you can bet your bottom dollar that in time that gender/racial combination gets criticized when inequities of substantial form arise.

Nobody in power got their position because of their race or gender. There is nothing stopping people of other races from reaching positions of power (hi Obama). If the next government is comprised entirely of black women who earn their position in a way that isn't predicated on their being black or female, then it'd be equally wrong to criticise that because it has nothing to do with their race and gender.

This is a manufactured issue.
Nobody's saying anything like that.

Except that's what shreddingskin said in his reply to me when I asked him what exactly he's trying to say.

That dog analogy is a terrible analogy by the way @DigitalDuck especially going off the perspective that shreddingskin decided to use the rise of Hitler as an exteme example as to why people should be careful to discuss the topic of white privilege. And his strong reaction was to a 2 hour video he posted where the panelists calmly discussed the topic. I can understand if it was a video of say AntiFA members beating up or throwing epithets at a white man for being white which I can at least see why he'd use such an extreme example. But a video where panelists are examining the topic non-violently? And for you to defend that by using an analogy where the optics could easily be seen as if you're equating a fascist regime or Hitler as the dog in this situation and in essence asking the question that removes accountability of the violent fascist regime.

Like please think what you're saying. Of course I wouldn't blame the dog but the dog isn't so sophisticated or self reflective as man capable of running a political party nor command men to enact an oppressive regime against the people who held it down.
I can show videos of antifa doing their bullshit, the other video is a better example simply because it's mainstream and not only a group of social rejects, it's what they are teaching, it's the media narrative, and it's false.
Again, I want to see what was the constructive criticism of the video.
Why is it white privilege and not majority privilege ? What's the point of bringing up race more than stir conflict ?
And I can say it with tender words, but not more clearly, it's a wake up call for people spousing marxist rethoric to understand the consequences (but hell, they didn't wake up to the +100 million deaths so...), and ignorance it's not an excuse at this point.
They ARE creating polarization, their rethoric is racist, murderous, unscientific and unresearched.
Yes, you are the one poking the dog, you are the one calling blalant racism "constructive", you are the one creating division by race, it doesn't mean that you can't speak, but it means that I will call out racism and creating social conflict using identity politics.
This thread is an absolute mess. We were prepared to allow political discussion that is civil and meaningful in nature, but there have just been far too many instances where it has devolved into paragraphs and paragraphs of rambling back and forth with no real purpose.

We've made a collective decision to lock this thread now. Please find another platform to host your discussion.
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