And water is wet. But really though it's too bad he was Kennedy'd in Japan.former president of japan shinzo abe shot. some reports say that he has died(?)
man in his mid 40s has been arrested.
Shinzo Abe's assassin used a handmade firearm
The man who killed the longest serving leader of modern Japan admitted to using a handmade firearm made from metal and wood. Police arrested a suspect at the scene of
... so much violence in the world.
This is a completely random thought but I thought about this old forum member while drinking coffee a couple days ago. Does anyone know what happened to the user Orange or I believe they went by Orange Lighting? Never did talk to them but they were around on the old forums many years ago and they just popped in my head.
I hope to celebrate for the republic, one day at my monarchic country.I'm not a monarchist (I'm indifferent to the institution), but I'm not going to wind up royalists online like these republican nutters do on twitter.
Let them bereave for 10 or so days. Talk about republicanism at a later date.
Dude, your "GVirus style deformities" comparison is spot on. Besides being irresistible to oddball humans on the street, I am seemingly a magnet for fucked up pigeons, too, because I have seen so many of them in physical conditions that baffle me as to how their parasite-riddled hearts are still beating.Pigeons sicken me. The walk with the head move, the idiotic eyes, the selfmelting... What a despicable creature. It's wrong.
Yes, few people are aware, mostly citizens. Those nasty birds melt. Like I said, disgusting.
Usually what you see is not a rolled by car pigeon. Thats the aftermath of their own circle of life.
Because their shit is so acid, pigeons get overloaded of that corrosive mess and just melt from inside out.
Thats also why you see pigeons with one leg only or GVirus style deformities.
Ok, stop whatever you're doing and write body-horror stories, asap. Poetry from the New Flesh..."You are the parasite that riddles my heart" OR, or we both could dub documentaries. i.e. just what you wrote, in Attenborough's tone of voice,Dude, your "GVirus style deformities" comparison is spot on. Besides being irresistible to oddball humans on the street, I am seemingly a magnet for fucked up pigeons, too, because I have seen so many of them in physical conditions that baffle me as to how their parasite-riddled hearts are still beating.
The most fucked-looking pigeon I ever saw had that puffy "I'm gonna die soon" body, both feet were at least three times their normal size, one of its wings was just bone and rotten meat, its beak had a chunk missing out of it, and its right eye was so swollen that it drooped out of the socket like a half-full bag of liquid hanging off the edge of a table. It was grotesque.
That pigeon earned my respect for being such a trooper, but my god was it graphic. I hope he's happy as Larry in that giant pigeon loft in the sky, which he no doubt ended up in within an hour or two of our one and only encounter.
Once saw a magpie with no meat around its neck, like it had been attacked and/or rotted away, searching for worms on the grass up the park. It looked like a magpie head lollipop stuck into a magpie body. Was fucked up.