Shenmue 3 Trial Screenshots

A selection of shots. 1080p, nothing special. Just wanted to share.


Kung Fu movie vibes.


T-shirt Ryo, potentially best Ryo?


Mr Tao getting hyped for Shenmue III.


This game genuinely has one of the best nighttime skyboxes I have ever seen.
Judgement vs Shenmue 3

That's actually not a screenshot of Judgement. That's Pinball Parlor:

(which is a third party game in a different engine) It was licensed by Sega to be used as a mini-game in Judgement, but not developed by them.
That's actually not a screenshot of Judgement. That's Pinball Parlor:

(which is a third party game in a different engine) It was licensed by Sega to be used as a mini-game in Judgement, but not developed by them.

And having played Judgment by god is it an awful pinball game. Like really bad.
That's actually not a screenshot of Judgement. That's Pinball Parlor:

(which is a third party game in a different engine) It was licensed by Sega to be used as a mini-game in Judgement, but not developed by them.

Image is from:

Also, this:
