Shenmue confessionals

I never completed the Xbox version of Shenmue 2 since I literally couldn't stand the English VA. Especially after I'd already played the game umpteen times on the Dreamcast with Japanese VA. I cringed whenever I heard some of the English VA in Shenmue 2.

I actually genuinely liked the English VA in Shenmue 1. Nowadays, I like it since I find the VA charming in the first game, wonder if it will be the same for Shenmue 2 when I play the re-release, or not...

I would wake up before school every morning (very early) when I first got Shenmue 1 just playing it and making myself late for school some days...I was obsessed back then.

The English release of Shenmue II was last minute and I have seen videos on YouTube. I’m guessing it was really rushed. If I remember correctly, Shenmue II’s North American release was going to be like how Yakuza is now - Japanese audio with English subs
The first time I faced Chai in the You Arcade, I lost so badly that I reset my game. Did it again and again, until I realized I could upgrade my moves by training in the park before the fight. After settling with the upgraded version of crawl cyclone, it took me I think 20 or more minutes to beat him and I felt like I won the lottery at the time. But after watching some you guys beat him under a minute with simple grappling moves I feel so stupid for my younger self.
Never beaten Chai, got a proper ass whopping each time. Will try harder this time around ?
Ive completed Shenmue 1 about seven or eight times but have only finished Shenmue 2 twice despite me liking 2 the best. Not sure why it is, maybe its me subconsciously holding back on it so I don't get burnt out on my favorite game.
My brother pirated Shenmue 1 in 2001, I instantly fell in love but the game. I even asked it for my birthday but it was sold out at the time.
In late 2002 my brother sold off the Dreamcast and got us an Xbox, that was great and all but I missed Shenmue. On one of the first days of my summer holiday I went into town and walked past an electronic store and my eye spotted something, it was Shenmue 2 for the xbox (which I didn't even know it was released on) I begged my brother to buy it for me, it was 50 euro and at this time it was freakin expensive for me since I was 12 and didn't have a summer job yet. So my brother agreed to loan me the money and buy it, at the till the cashier said it was on sale for only 15 freakin euros! I went mad and I guess you understand what the greatest summer up until then was. Still have this copy to date.
I have never done duck racing in Shenmue II. Don't think I would even know where to begin...
Never got to use Shenmue passport, didn't have the internet at home until long after they stopped supporting the online features. I used to look at screenshots of it and imagine how great it must be. :crying:
I was number one in the 70 man free battle in Arizona lol At one point I was top 10 in the country. My time was around 3 min on the US version, but I got 2:57 as my best on my Japanese copy
Never got to use Shenmue passport, didn't have the internet at home until long after they stopped supporting the online features. I used to look at screenshots of it and imagine how great it must be. :crying:
It would have been great if they were able to add the Passport disk now that more people can use online features. Trading capsule toys, leaderboards etc. would have been a nice addition I think. For me, it was the reverse though. I had internet at home around the mid-nineties but didn't have a Dreamcast at release. When I got one, Sega had just quit the hardware business I think and the online service wasn't available anymore.
I never did the duck racing or Fangmei side quests in Shenmue II.

I played a pirated copy of Shenmue II on Dreamcast but purchased a legitimate copy on Xbox.