Shenmue HD reviews and discussion

Seriously, he has a point, Shenmue does makes you wait a lot, and only if you know all the optional (almost random to activate if you don't know) there's little to do. Fair point. And if the game doesn't speaks to your aesthetic standard, you will not like it. He's just not that good understanding that other people have other tastes.
As someone who doesn't mind waiting it does get tedious at the docks though. Even though you have no one to talk to it still makes you wait every evening until 9pm with very little to do except try to get winning cans and buy capsule toys.
Yeah, outrage...

He know what he does, why he does it, and what it accomplishes.
With someone that understands few words are needed.
I basically said he willingly tries to get people riled up, it's his persona.
You never made a point to begin with.
And that's that for me.
He's a strange fellow, because for the most part he hits the right buttons with his views on AAA games and his love for Yakuza, but he does revert to his angry, shouty persona a bit too much. I think the video was a little click-baity, but he did say some positives I guess.

The thing is in this day and age, being angry and shouting a lot sadly gets more attention than often well written nuanced work (not that I really agree with that for myself).
"The game makes you wait" oh boo fuckin, hoo one of the best parts is how it makes you wait, talk to people, play at the arcade, train your moves, explore the world and locations, jesus do only creative people have the capacity to find something to do in a video game world apart from shooting people?
Whatever happened to the wonder of exploration rather than following way points every 5 minutes?

I've begun not to respect the opinion of individual video game reviewers, even if they came from the same generation as I. "Jimmy," especially with this review, is a case in point.
As a fan of the original releases, I was happy to support Shenmue again. As a fanboy I can say its an awesome re-release. But I wont do that. Thinking from a fair and objective point of view, this re-release is a complete mess. There's no reason why a game should be released in this state. We as consumers should not have to wait on patches to play a finished polished game. When I look at the re-releases that Nintendo does I end up scratching my head on this one. As a result , the Dreamcast versions are my definitive versions to play. Im glad I kept them after all these years. Still, the fanboy in me says Im happy to help make Shenmue a success. Hopefully Sega will do a much better job on future re-releases.
Jim purposely goes out of his way to downplay the arcade while complaining the game makes you wait too often... which honestly the game doesn't really make you wait all that often, only a few times really. He's being clickbaity, not actually doing a fair impression...

And honestly watching his gameplay, it's clear he just doesn't get the game. He just stays mashing kick in combat and it took him a few minutes to figure out where to put down a crate. Some people just don't get Shenmue, and that's alright. I just with he was honest instead of grasping for clicks...
Jim Sterling is what is wrong with modern gaming personalities and reviewers. Always shouting and spouting hate like his opinion is fact and then turning around and mocking Shenmue fans on twitter when there is some expected and well deserved pushback.

I wish people on the internet could stop being so self centered and try to understand why do people love these games. I mean a 6 million dollar kickstarter is no slouch. I wish he realized that maybe there is something that he is missing. Not every game is for everyone and it clearly isn't for him, that's fine but, spouting such a hateful angry video and acting like his opinion is objective just doesn't help anything and it stops interesting experimental games from getting exposure like Shenmue once was.
Jim Sterling is what is wrong with modern gaming personalities and reviewers. Always shouting and spouting hate like his opinion is fact and then turning around and mocking Shenmue fans on twitter when there is some expected and well deserved pushback.

I wish people on the internet could stop being so self centered and try to understand why do people love these games. I mean a 6 million dollar kickstarter is no slouch. I wish he realized that maybe there is something that he is missing. Not every game is for everyone and it clearly isn't for him, that's fine but, spouting such a hateful angry video and acting like his opinion is objective just doesn't help anything and it stops interesting experimental games from getting exposure like Shenmue once was.
The thing about Jim you don't understand is he's not doing this because he has a strong opinion. He's doing this because it's a controversial opinion. This is the guy who makes 15 minutes videos every week about some new microtransaction in a game... the dude just likes to rile people up...
Jim purposely goes out of his way to downplay the arcade while complaining the game makes you wait too often... which honestly the game doesn't really make you wait all that often, only a few times really. He's being clickbaity, not actually doing a fair impression...

And honestly watching his gameplay, it's clear he just doesn't get the game. He just stays mashing kick in combat and it took him a few minutes to figure out where to put down a crate. Some people just don't get Shenmue, and that's alright. I just with he was honest instead of grasping for clicks...

Exactly. Like, even most of us aknowledge that Shenmue is not a perfect game by any means, that we love it just for what it is and that it's certainly not for everyone. We're definitely aware of that. No one here has a problem about people not liking it, right?

It's just like, ugh. That dumb, braindead, low effort clickbait, that desperate seek for controversy, it's so, so tiring. And boring.
well and with that Jim proved to me that he has no good taste whatsoever.
he trashed two of my absolute favorite videogames Shenmue and BotW.
I find it interesting that he praised and enjoyed the side option video games in yakuza, but in this video seems to be offended by their offering and says that they are a waste of time, because if he wanted to play space harrier he would boot up space harrier and not Shenmue.

I mean, I have a perfectly good copy of Jimmy Whites Cueball, but that doesn't mean I'd boot it up instead of playing pool in Yakuza.
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Another day, another "reviewer" trying to profit off Shenmue bashing...the interactive arts deserve better
Whilst I share all your opinions regarding Jim Sterling's edgy video, I'd ask that you all tone it down a bit. Calling the guy names (including 'a cunt') and the like is going too far. Thanks.