Shenmue III Backer Trial | General Thread

I'm attempting to see if it can be executed at different lvls now. In this clip I had maxed all 5 moves to 10, lvl 6 Attack, lvl 10 kung fu, lvl 5 End. When I executed before (sadly wasn't recording) I had maxed out all moves (attack 6), but I had only trained End to lvl 2 (not sure about kung fu but I would assume lvl 6). I've only attempted it on gold tiger so far as he's the most resilient so you can get more attempts in. In this example I dodged (quickly tapped stick in the direction) and pressed RT (easier to map to RT than press the button combo). When I first did it I was facing him and I believe it was timed in between a gap in one of his combos but I'm not 100% as I was shocked and wasn't sure if I was hallucinating it lol.
Ok awesome! Sounds like a lot to do before 9PM but I'll boot up the demo tomorrow when I have some time and see if I can replicate it :D Would be so good to work out why the hell it works :D
I have been able to play it finally. I have lost 10 minutes because my laptop couldn't run it smoothly at medium and I had to set it at low (also no idea on how lower the resolution), once in Low everything run smootj.

I just run around the towm, talk with some people, did some training, won a Turtle Race and a Lucky Hit, chopped some wood, fight the bookie and Red Tiger and messed around with the menus. Next time I will focus on the fighting, but I know that I will love the final game. This world is alive, this world is Shenmue.
I have been able to play it finally. I have lost 10 minutes because my laptop couldn't run it smoothly at medium and I had to set it at low (also no idea on how lower the resolution), once in Low everything run smootj.

I just run around the towm, talk with some people, did some training, won a Turtle Race and a Lucky Hit, chopped some wood, fight the bookie and Red Tiger and messed around with the menus. Next time I will focus on the fighting, but I know that I will love the final game. This world is alive, this world is Shenmue.
I've trained a lot, but then I never beat the Gold Tiger. It's sad that no training is saved at all. Still it's simply fun to train in itself.
Ok awesome! Sounds like a lot to do before 9PM but I'll boot up the demo tomorrow when I have some time and see if I can replicate it :D Would be so good to work out why the hell it works :D

I hope you're able to. I've tried without training but so far haven't had any luck, will be interesting to see what other people are able to find.
Here's the playthrough from Huber:

Really positive. 336 likes vs 3 dislikes.

I've timestamped the part where he first nails the elbow assault as it's really funny!
So as I said, even key items wouldnbe highlighted. What's the point then ?
I mean, if the point is to avoid frustration: Why not have auto combat ? Or auto game ? Heck, why not having only cutscenes ?
Pathetic strawmanning dude, c'mon.

You're missing my point completely about usability issues caused by the lack of consistency in what you can/can't pick up -- or just conveniently ignoring it. It's easy to take the "keep it the same" stance when you're ignoring the problems it causes.

Also, "free-looking" in the original games wasn't good. You had to wobble and zoom around like a drunk until you snapped onto something, which was usually not the object you expected to lock onto, and only then did it control in an acceptable way by removing the element of 3D control.

In Shenmue III you can just walk around naturally in first-person, look at objects and click on them. You retain your freedom of movement and it's sooo much better, but part of why it works well is because the markers provide 2 vital bits of information: your currently selected object, and if you're close enough to interact with it. Without that it would be more frustrating. And I don't think swapping from the analogue stick to the D-pad and tapping directions is an elegant solution at all. It makes it feel like you're just selecting items from a menu.

As I said before, I'm fine with an option to remove them if that's how purists want to play, but I totally appreciate that newcomers to the series, or just people that haven't played Shenmue a hundred times, will benefit a lot from the markers being there.
Had a couple of topics I wanted to post, covering some analysis, but my mouse for the PC has snuffed it. It's like losing a limb! Will get a new one tomorrow and post.
even you Peter. its incredible how negativity already affected you..... even considering a 6/10 is madness

this will be a solid 9 out of 10. an 8 in worst case scenarious. As the hype man that you are, you're letting us down right now... ^^ haha
Counters in the battle system?

Yep looks that way, Don_m3ga was the one who found it. Here are his steps, I'm trying to replicate it now!

I'm attempting to see if it can be executed at different lvls now. In this clip I had maxed all 5 moves to 10, lvl 6 Attack, lvl 10 kung fu, lvl 5 End. When I executed before (sadly wasn't recording) I had maxed out all moves (attack 6), but I had only trained End to lvl 2 (not sure about kung fu but I would assume lvl 6). I've only attempted it on gold tiger so far as he's the most resilient so you can get more attempts in. In this example I dodged (quickly tapped stick in the direction) and pressed RT (easier to map to RT than press the button combo). When I first did it I was facing him and I believe it was timed in between a gap in one of his combos but I'm not 100% as I was shocked and wasn't sure if I was hallucinating it lol.

I think this is so big that it deserves it's own thread, as it is getting lost in here. Would be great if we could find out how this is done, and if it can be done with other moves. It could be a massive part of the combat that we have all missed lol
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Man... I posted your video on neogaf too (people there are whining like kids about the fighting system)
I even created a gif too:

Good work with the GIF!

This game, man! November 19th can't get here any sooner!

I just want to deep dive into it so badly!

I don't care what haters say, this fighting system has more potential than they're giving it credit for. For a first time product, it's got potential.
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Oh wow, the lady in the kitchen, actually goesthrough the cooking steps, she doesn't just fry carrots(if you go right there at the start of the demo, you can catch her chopping carrots). I wonder if you started the day off at the real beginning, if you can see her setting the tables as she cranks them out.
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Man... I posted your video on neogaf too (people there are whining like kids about the fighting system)
I even created a gif too:

Thanks bud. I was actually really disappointed with the combat system at first, I was very vocal about it on twitch. It seemed too easy/simple/shallow and to be honest I still don't think it's brilliant; animations need a lot of work etc. I'm also not a fan of the rpg style progression system as I want my own skill to determine whether I win or lose and not some hidden dice rolls controlled by character stats. However, I did want to give it a fair shot and so I put a of couple hours into just repeatedly fighting Gold Tiger and eventually I started to see more potential. I'm feeling more optimistic about it now, fingers crossed we'll find further interesting things. I'm also curious to see how hard difficulty mode will change things.
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