Shenmue IV Models (MetaHuman)


Site Staff
Jul 24, 2018
Epic just released a very cool web application to create realistic unreal engine models in minutes.

Shoutout to @Rikitatsu for bringing this up

It's in early access at the moment, but you can get access to the tool by pressing the meta human link in the epic game store, under Unreal engine

Some of the community have been having fun with the app and creating Shenmue characters. Here's some I made earlier



Niao Sun




Chai (Kill it with fire.gif)




Ryo made by @Spaghetti


What do you think of the software? Leave your comments and thoughts about the models and share your Shenmue Meta humans below
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Impressive but it would kill the Immersion. It would look completely different than the older titles. But if is possible to implant the facial animations of that tech on a older style Looking model it would be perfect. But a hyper realistic Shenmue would just look wrong. But that is just me.
Definitely agree that the stylised shenmue graphics are more appropriate. I reckon this software would be be great for pumping out npcs rapidly. If they could implement their facial animations aswell, that would be awesome.

These models remind me of the master in marshall hall. But yeah, just a bit of fun with the new tool. Not a replacement.
These are really fun to see - the software is really interesting for sure! I think, depending on how open Epic are with the technology, devs could work with modified / stylized versions of this tool for better use in games with a realism-adjacent character style like Shenmue.
This is really cool, and I can see this being a big game changer by making character creation more effortless for developers to take advantage of. I also love how the community is passionate enough to recreate Shenmue characters with it.

But if I have to be brutally honest (and I feel bad saying it)...Oh my God, I absolutely hate the look of it! :LOL: I don't think this more realistic style suits Shenmue at all. If its a question of money, I'd rather YS Net just reuse and tweak the Lakshya Digital models they already have from Shenmue 3...unless this app makes room for more stylised character customisation later down the road.

Definitely a cool application though!
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It is perfect for the random pedestrians/shop owners etc... But it's very limited when it comes to even slightly stylized characters. The app in general is more restrictive than I initially thought.

For starters, controls over the eyes' shape are practically non-existent. You have to blend with other templates in order to adjust the shape. Hair/Eyebrows selection is also limited, but I guess that can be added easily when exported to a 3D modeling software or UE4.

It has a long way to go, and I remember them talking about supporting non-photorealistic characters in the future.

I think it will definitely aid YsNET if they ever make Shenmue 4... Just hopefully it's not used on the main characters (at least based on it's current state).

My shot at a Ren :p

Love this thread and seeing what uses can come up with and create. I know it’s a static screenshot but I’m really impressed by the hair that can be created by these presets and especially the skin.

I understand Epic has been doing some research in this area and it shows, with what appears sub-surface scattering and reflecting right properties. It’s one area of the visual presentation that was dated compared to its modern day contemporaries (also it may have been a creative choice given the more stylized characters).
Had a second run at Ryo. Pretty happy with the result, though took a few false starts and lots of tweaking to get there. Was faithful to as many recognisable facial features from game models and promo art as I could, though the proportions don't translate over 1:1.

Not 100% satisfied, so might come back to it for a few tweaks, but probably as far as I'll get without taking it into 3D modelling software.






Not an existing character, but I guess "inspired by Shenmue" instead. Was going for an old martial arts master type, and I think it gives off the right vibes.

looking good spags

The meta human models remind me of the detroit become human models, which is kinda nuts giving how good that game looks. Unreal engine is a monster
I mean....they look neat...but this is a reminder why if Shenmue III had went super realistic with character models, it just would have looked...weird. :D

Still, this is kind of neat and I look forward to seeing what else people come up with. That Mark is pretty cool.

I almost want to see a version of Xiuying.

This does make me wonder...what could people do with this in regards to that Shenmue: Dragon and Phoenix edition.
looking good spags

The meta human models remind me of the detroit become human models, which is kinda nuts giving how good that game looks. Unreal engine is a monster

Agreed about the quality of the models. So long as developers want their games to have a realistic, AAA-like look they've got a seriously powerful tool here for populating their worlds. Vast casts of unique NPCs might be a more regular occurrence going forward. Beyond just the model creation aspects of Metahuman, the facial animation rigging system looks great and easy to use from the examples I've seen. There's still going to be a lot of manual work involved on that end whether you're working from mocap data or not, but it's better than nothing.

This does make me wonder...what could people do with this in regards to that Shenmue: Dragon and Phoenix edition.
Also interested in this. Hopefully the team consider at least doing an art test with this tech.
The meta human models remind me of the detroit become human models, which is kinda nuts giving how good that game looks. Unreal engine is a monster

I totally was thinking that which is amazing given the quality of those models. I still think they are some of the best constructed, detailed and life like characters from last generation. The character of Luther, could look photorealistic at times even though the gif doesn’t give it full justice.


Working on a version 3.0 using the Shenmue III model as a reference. This is basically what I've achieved with paying a little more attention to the Metahumans I'm using for the blend options. Haven't done any fine detail tweaks with the sculpting tool yet, which is promising.

Don't think I'm ever really going to be able to make a Ryo that's slavishly accurate to the games and also looks good in this tool, but it's getting to a point where you could stick Ryo's hair, clothes, eyebrows, and bandage on the model and I'd probably accept it.



Working on a version 3.0 using the Shenmue III model as a reference. This is basically what I've achieved with paying a little more attention to the Metahumans I'm using for the blend options. Haven't done any fine detail tweaks with the sculpting tool yet, which is promising.

Don't think I'm ever really going to be able to make a Ryo that's slavishly accurate to the games and also looks good in this tool, but it's getting to a point where you could stick Ryo's hair, clothes, eyebrows, and bandage on the model and I'd probably accept it.



These are cool! Looking forward to seeing what's possible when the tool matures a little more.
Working on a version 3.0 using the Shenmue III model as a reference. This is basically what I've achieved with paying a little more attention to the Metahumans I'm using for the blend options. Haven't done any fine detail tweaks with the sculpting tool yet, which is promising.

Don't think I'm ever really going to be able to make a Ryo that's slavishly accurate to the games and also looks good in this tool, but it's getting to a point where you could stick Ryo's hair, clothes, eyebrows, and bandage on the model and I'd probably accept it.



You should photoshop Ryo's hair on to the model
All these ultrarealistic shots feel like a Shenmue real life movie was made in a parallel universe (like the Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat ones) :D
Working on a version 3.0 using the Shenmue III model as a reference. This is basically what I've achieved with paying a little more attention to the Metahumans I'm using for the blend options. Haven't done any fine detail tweaks with the sculpting tool yet, which is promising.

Don't think I'm ever really going to be able to make a Ryo that's slavishly accurate to the games and also looks good in this tool, but it's getting to a point where you could stick Ryo's hair, clothes, eyebrows, and bandage on the model and I'd probably accept it.



damn! theese look great!
I actually wouldn't mind this kind of approach to the look of the game!
Also have to see that this realistic ryo looks great. Still prefer the old look but would not mind that type visual approach for another Shenmue Game. The others models of Nozomi and Shenhua also look quite good.