Metahumans come rigged out the box using the control rig tools that are now in UE4 and UE5. The facial controls the Metahumans team have built are really sophisticated but if you're animating by hand it's a looooooong labourious process to get anything that looks good. Having played around with it myself the poses can definitely look good (so long as you don't push the model's geometry so it clips), but it would take an experienced animator to make something truly great out of it.
Anyway, have a look at Ryo's Shenmue III model in a vanilla UE5 project (apologies for the eyes and hair, either something didn't transfer with the model when it was ripped or I need to change some stuff in the materials editor):
Lumen is amazing. That's just a regular old directional sky light being used there, but the soft indirect lighting of Lumen gives a great place for artists to start from. Here's what a similar setup looks like in UE4 by comparison:
Still a great engine mind you, and it's come a long way even since Shenmue III released, but UE5 is a big leap forward.
Oh, and as a bonus, a Ryo rig I'm working on: