Shenmue series Mod ideas/plans

Aug 25, 2019
If you have any ideas or suggestions for shenmue 1,2 or 3 mods on PC, post them in here and we'll see if we could make them a reallity, PS: I am not a mod maker nor do i have the knowlege to make mods, Tho I think we all know a thing or two about the games to help us along the way.

Cheers from MrHazuki

If you have any ideas or suggestions for shenmue 1,2 or 3 mods on PC, post them in here and we'll see if we could make them a reallity, PS: I am not a mod maker nor do i have the knowlege to make mods, Tho I think we all know a thing or two about the games to help us along the way.

Cheers from MrHazuki

Btw sorry for possible spelling mistakes
I remember wanting to use the beta model Ryo that was originally Akira on the Dreamcast version and a couple of cool guys helped, but I now have a better laptop and want to use the Akira model from the demo What's Shenmue, modded over the regular Ryo model in the HD remaster. Of course, I don't know how to do any of this.
About Shenmue 1&2

I like to play without hud, I did on dreamcast but it was also hiding the inventory and the qte,
I don't know if a mod exist to only hide part of the hud, mostly clock and buttons promps, maybe loading screens.

I would also like to get ride of the note book shortcut on the X button in Shenmue 2 because it's also used to open the doors,
that mean we can't open the doors when the X button flash for the few seconde because of a new addition to the note book.

Other than that I already use the audio restorations and full widescreen mods, and mostly play with reshade filters.

I tried to improve the texture of one npc with an ia some time ago but I couldn't find a way to inject the new texture into the game.
So I also wait the "Better Textures" mod by @Streamer2k to improve its harbor ground and more npc.

Edit : An option to get ride of the time skip and the fast travel in Shenmue 2.

I also have a huge dead zone for the free camera on the remaster compared to the dreamcast,
I have set the dead zone very low in steam but it's still huge in game.
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