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Nah we'll be okay. It's always the most ignorant that are the most passionate, and I have a feeling an intellectual revolution is coming. We've been celebrating ignorance and blindness for far too long, something has to turn this around...
No. No punching commies, no punching Nazis, no punching people you disagree with. We sit down and talk it out.
It's amazing how people love to stay in their hate zone and pretend it's a safe zone. I saw this popular meme on reddit yesterday that said something like "if you see a nazi sitting at a table with 10 other people, what you are seeing is 11 nazis". It's disgusting and the comments agreeing with it and taking it further were even worse. For some reason people are literally celebrating a disdain for nuance...
Sure, let's talk about economics.


Taxation is theft, and therefore evil. Allowing people to starve to death is cruel, and therefore evil. The solution is to do the least amount of theft to prevent the most amount of suffering.

I'm bored now. :D
I'm very worried about the stability of the future economy.
In a free market economy the GDP tends to normalize per capita, with less regulations we can see now the trend is taking place, with places like India and China increasing theirs (while also adjusting to countries that have very high gdp per capita).
With the big problems most developed countries have of debt, and is increasing the risk of not being able to pay retirement funds for their elders.
The only future I can think of is a very long recesion in economy, with increased protectionism (even dissolution of common market unions), and of course if spending isn't heavily reduced it'll lead to inflation.
Why most people aren't talking about Chinese neo-colonialism in Africa ? Hell, in Argentina we have a "not a chinese military base for sure" in the south. The same method of lending they are doing there.
USA don't have any power in being able to regulate China since they're their debt slaves.
I really can't forsee this system functioning without massive retraction for longer than 20 years at best.
There is going to be a debate between Andrew Yang and Ben Shapiro.
Seems cool, talking about the repercutions of giving $1000 bucks to everyone over 18 (some bullshit of around 3 trillion per year), how will impact the economy (obviously destroying the dollar, but idgaf), cool.
The topic is circumcision.
There is going to be a debate between Andrew Yang and Ben Shapiro.
Seems cool, talking about the repercutions of giving $1000 bucks to everyone over 18 (some bullshit of around 3 trillion per year), how will impact the economy (obviously destroying the dollar, but idgaf), cool.
I'm looking forward to that...
I've never been convinced UBI would work as a long-term solution at least in a first world economy. I know Finland opted to not extend their pilot program last year, which I take a bit as a red flag, though I read that the recipients of UBI were in better mental health. Unfortunately there was no significant change in the jobless rate, so I doubt any government will impose the great debt of UBI just to have their citizens be happier with little change to the jobs data.

Does anyone know what the story is with Oakland or Stockton CA and their status of the UBI pilot? I know it hasn't occurred yet, but I haven't heard anything recently on whether they're moving forward on it or not.
Pretty easy, some fucking elites are being publicly racists to the majority of the country to the point of even applauding their slowly disappearance.
Calling the "race" of people that did some of the most powerful democracies and free countries in the world (I dare to say universe) as an oppresive system should be put to shame.
Sorry but no, people are just getting tired of this shit, and everyone knows where it's coming from, leftists that in the 80s saw that communism was a failed system and started trying to create accelerationism via cultural means.
Remember that before the rise of Hitler they also had the commies roaming around the streets and beating people up, ended up in a civil war that left +2 million people.
Every action has and equal and opposite reaction, it's stupid not to think so.
It's pretty straight what I'm saying.
Pretty easy, some fucking elites are being publicly racists to the majority of the country to the point of even applauding their slowly disappearance.
Calling the "race" of people that did some of the most powerful democracies and free countries in the world (I dare to say universe) as an oppresive system should be put to shame.
Sorry but no, people are just getting tired of this shit, and everyone knows where it's coming from, leftists that in the 80s saw that communism was a failed system and started trying to create accelerationism via cultural means.
Remember that before the rise of Hitler they also had the commies roaming around the streets and beating people up, ended up in a civil war that left +2 million people.
Every action has and equal and opposite reaction, it's stupid not to think so.
It's pretty straight what I'm saying.

Ok. So you're saying to me that because your race has done all these great things for society that hey everyone else should ignore any oppessive aspects and never have any constructive discussion (in this case a constructive 2 hour presentation) to try to identify how systemic oppression can subtly occur and improve inclusiveness.

But you're the victim in all of this right? I mean a non-white person like me who may disagree with you should not say anything lest I want to inadvertently spark the rise of the fascist regime. It wouldn't be the fascist regime's fault, no. It would be me for speaking up, am I right?
Ok. So you're saying to me that because your race has done all these great things for society that hey everyone else should ignore any oppessive aspects and never have any constructive discussion (in this case a constructive 2 hour presentation) to try to identify how systemic oppression can subtly occur and improve inclusiveness.

But you're the victim in all of this right? I mean a non-white person like me who may disagree with you should not say anything lest I want to inadvertently spark the rise of the fascist regime. It wouldn't be the fascist regime's fault, no. It would be me for speaking up, am I right?
I'm not gonna speak for him, but I'm pretty sure he's saying that just race alone is not a political system and useless idiots needs to stop blaming all the world's problems on white people as if we'd be half as advanced as a species without them...
Ok. So you're saying to me that because your race has done all these great things for society that hey everyone else should ignore any oppessive aspects and never have any constructive discussion (in this case a constructive 2 hour presentation) to try to identify how systemic oppression can subtly occur and improve inclusiveness.

But you're the victim in all of this right? I mean a non-white person like me who may disagree with you should not say anything lest I want to inadvertently spark the rise of the fascist regime. It wouldn't be the fascist regime's fault, no. It would be me for speaking up, am I right?

No, it's not constructive discussion, only if people are ignorant racists (that they are).
You want to talk about "white patriarchy" ? You might want to look at rape statistics by race (or just look at Africa, or middle east, or basically everywhere else). Hell, fucking China were having what by any standard would be call a genocide of women via abortions, but that's also white men's fault.
You want to talk about oppression ? You want to compare to EVERY single place on earth ? You think slavery was invented by white men ? Do you realize that there were slaves in africa well before whites came and most slaves were bought from african leaders ? Or is it white privilege that 90% of African public spending comes from other countries ?
Only racists might think that this is "constructive criticism".
It's not OK to be racists against white people, and it'll only lead to a radical change.
I have empathy, I understand that it must not be easy to be a minority, but singling out white people because they're a majority (specially in places that have it far better than everywhere else) is just racism, and everybody can see it.
And guess what, you are wrong, and if you spouse those "ideas" you are just racist, just pointing out that this is just adding fuel to the fire is not something that requires a lot of thought, and people that get tired of it are in all their right.
The left is the one radicalizing the people, and they're going to pay the price (and also I'll point out that the left was, and IS, behind the biggest death toll of the XX century, fuck them).
Ok. So you're saying to me that because your race has done all these great things for society that hey everyone else should ignore any oppessive aspects and never have any constructive discussion (in this case a constructive 2 hour presentation) to try to identify how systemic oppression can subtly occur and improve inclusiveness.

But you're the victim in all of this right? I mean a non-white person like me who may disagree with you should not say anything lest I want to inadvertently spark the rise of the fascist regime. It wouldn't be the fascist regime's fault, no. It would be me for speaking up, am I right?

Nobody's saying anything like that.

Blaming "white people" for any perceived oppression is like saying, "wow, look at Venezuela's inflation rate, I guess Hispanics just destroy economies!"

When someone who is not only not oppressing people, but actively being oppressed, is accused of oppressing people, how do you imagine it makes that person feel? Go to a homeless person and tell him he owes you money because of his white male privilege. Note that I don't need to specify the homeless person is white and male; it's overwhelmingly the case in western countries, a far higher proportion of homeless are white men than the general population. I guess they didn't get the memo, they need to cash in their privilege checks.

"White people" do not run the world. "White people" did not own slaves. "White people" are not doing anything to benefit "white people". Believing otherwise is blatant racism.

About 0.00001% of "white people" run the world, along with a similarly small percentage of non-white people. The other 99.99999% have to deal with the world the same as everyone else.

A not quite as insignifcant number of "white people" have owned slaves throughout history, but not only were they more often white than non-white (the word "slave" itself comes from Slav, as the original slaves (in England) were Eastern Europeans), but there are also many non-white people who owned slaves, and in fact the vast majority of the slaves purchased during the transatlantic slave trade were purchased from (black) African slaveowners, mostly by Brazilians.

And no, the people with power are not thinking along racial lines either. They're thinking about themselves.

You complain about "ignoring oppressive aspects", but discount the fact that the VAST majority of people targeted in the video have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG. Except exist in the wrong colour, apparently. I thought having disadvantages levied upon you by virtue of your skin colour was a form of oppression...

As for the second part of your statement:

Imagine there's a dog. He's a nice, friendly dog. He lies on the front lawn, keeps it clean from litter, etc. Then some guy comes along and says, "I was bitten by a dog once! All dogs are violent!" and starts throwing stones at the dog.

The dog is a nice, friendly dog. He continues lying on the front lawn, simply ignoring the stones. The guy continues saying, "This dog won't even react to me! Clearly he sees himself as superior and hates humans!" and climbs over the fence and starts poking him with a stick.

The dog is getting a little tired of this. But he's a nice, friendly dog. He walks away. "Oh, so now I'm not even good enough to be in the same space as you?" The man chases the dog around the lawn with the stick.

The dog growls at the man. The man's friends, watching, say "Wow, look how violent that dog is! We should stop him!" and start climbing over the fence and holding down the dog.

The dog starts barking and thrashing about. The man simply says, "Clearly reactionary behaviour, you should learn your place!" and starts poking him harder.

The dog grabs the man's stick in his mouth, and bites it into two. "This proves all dogs are violent and we need to stop them!" He starts smacking the dog instead.

The dog bites one of the people holding him down, tearing flesh off his arm. Another one sprains his ankle running away. The man poking him with a stick has to have his genitals surgically removed. (The media runs a story about how a violent dog attacked a poor innocent man and uses this to pose questions on whether it's okay to beat up dogs.)

Why on earth would you blame the dog?
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