Collecting herbs. Has anyone got a trophy yet?

Licorice 74
bellflower 10
peony 17
trifoliate orange 8
ginger 31
poria cocos 8
jujube 25
cinnamon 9
crow dipper 5

Iam having trouble finding the final herbs I assume it is my final herb because I can’t see anything any more and I am certain I have not missed anything.

whether it is night time or whatever I cannot find it.
I feel like my game is bugged 😭.

I will look at older posts which were the trickiest for you guys and I wonder what I am missing..
What am I missing btw. I started my first playthrough in December been playing on and off.

btw I did not sell or exchange anything :D. So could it be my last herb is a licorice? I see none where ever I go...
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This was my last one

Congratulations I am stuck on trophie in Bailu :(.

can’t tell what I am missing does anyone recall having75 licorice before trophy popped up?

I see people mentioning respawning do I have to wait on a licorice to respawn?
Trying to get them all in Bailu is driving me insane, I waited until April 10th as suggested previously in this thread (and also on a New Game +, so a lot of them were collected already), and I swear to god I've looked everywhere...was hoping I wouldn't have to resort to checking off locations on one of the maps that kind souls have provided, but may have to :(

If it makes any difference I'm at the point where I'm looking for a martial artist (where you get referred to Feng, and then you start the lessons with Sun). Does it make any difference where you are in the story? I'm sure I cleaned up the herbs in the Hermit's Nest before the point its blocked off to you...
Does it make any difference where you are in the story? I'm sure I cleaned up the herbs in the Hermit's Nest before the point its blocked off to you...
There are some herbs in the "Shenmue Tree 2" area. This area is blocked off during the story sometimes.
Other than that, you should be able to go everywhere. At least during the time when you get the "point of no return" warning, you can visit all places.
There are some herbs in the "Shenmue Tree 2" area. This area is blocked off during the story sometimes.
Other than that, you should be able to go everywhere. At least during the time when you get the "point of no return" warning, you can visit all places.
Yes, Ternary Spring is open to me, and I did find a licorice amongst the flowers I must have missed -basically everywhere but Hermit's Nest is open to me, and I've thoroughly scoured everywhere :(
I meant more in terms of are there any herbs that don't spawn until you progress further in the story? (as strange as that would be)
I think the ones you need for trophy are all there. Maybe you missed the orange on the hidden path/hill before hermits nest? (You need access to hermits nest to get it)

Talking about these specificly:
Finally, finally got the Bailu herb trophy. Spent the last 3 days (not whole days obviously), scouring the map for the very last herb. Turns out the very last one wasn’t in the data mined map that’s posted in this thread. Unless I have an old map that is. I decided to have one last look close to where the fortune teller is and bam, there it was. Peony. Seeing that trophy pop felt like so much more of an achievement than it really should have, lol.

In fact, seeing as Niaowu is still to go, where is the best place to get the most up to date map of herb locations?
The one Xanatus posted a few pages back.

I went and crossed off every single herb that I got on a printed version of the map and can confirm that it is 100% accurate.
The one Xanatus posted a few pages back.

I went and crossed off every single herb that I got on a printed version of the map and can confirm that it is 100% accurate.

Thanks man. It’s weird that the Bailu one I have is missing one herb on it. I’ll post it below and mark where the last one I found was.