NEW INFO - Shenmue 3 Reboot Conference Summary

Thank you for the info.
I don't know what to think about having two types of NPCs. If main characters aren't Disney like, why did he allow to create NPCs Disney like? They never were going to fit in the game.
Thank you for the info.
I don't know what to think about having two types of NPCs. If main characters aren't Disney like, why did he allow to create NPCs Disney like? They never were going to fit in the game.
That's explained in the panel. He wanted the 3D artists to create to their strengths, then would tweak them later to head towards the unified vision. The last part is important.
Yes, I know, but it makes me think if the weird man that open the door in the last trailer is one of the Disney like. He could have been tweaked, but he is clearly different from the pawn shop guy, for example.
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That's just the prize exchange UI. I don't think Ryo's actual inventory will look like that. It'd be too messy considering there are much more types of items now.

also I hate this picture.

The only thing I don't like about these screen is this dopey ass looking guy.
I was specifically talking about this image lmfao I fucking love that UI... But the prize enchange UI is also amazing. So happy to see them really make an effort to make it feel like Shenmue...
Shame the usual suspects are getting on the bandwagon over the visuals again.

Fail to see what's so drastically wrong with it, especially given the budget and scope.

I’ve always thought complaints about the visuals were weird. It’s clear the priority will be depth, so with all things considered, it looks better than I was expecting.

I swear some people would be cool with Shenmue 3 being a 30 minute fight with Lan Di as long as it had AAA graphics. I’m exaggerating a bit, but still...
It's not my case. It could have dreamcast graphics and I would love it. I only can't understand the sense of include two types of humans, that's all.

There have always been "two types" of characters in all the Shenmue games... some more realistic, and some more stylized and exaggerated. It's pretty typical of a lot of Japanese media... manga, anime, and games.
I swear some people would be cool with Shenmue 3 being a 30 minute fight with Lan Di as long as it had AAA graphics. I’m exaggerating a bit, but still...

C'mon, that's strawmanning. I think some models are objectively pretty bad. That's not attacking or crushing the game. All games have stronger and weaker elements. For example, the environments are gorgeous and it's clear Yu and his team have put so much passion and love into carefully crafting a true 'Shenmue' experience.

How important the model animations and designs are to someone's enjoyment of the game is entirely down to the individual. No one is saying it needs to be AAA or look like Uncharted or whatever is considered the benchmark these days.