Random Shenmue III Thoughts

To be fair everyone expected the worse with the Shenmue 1 and 2 HD ports and critical response was very decent overall. I believe Shenmue 3 is capable of achieving similar - if not better - scores. Whether it does or not will depend on the story Yu Suzuki tells within the game and if they do manage to both maintain and improve upon the gameplay and narrative elements that made the first two games what they are.
If anything bad reviews from places expected to shit on it, entice me more. Gamespot was never very kind to Dreamcast except for NFL2K, Code Veronica and Soul Calibur, basically. Their shitty opinions of D2 and Omikron actually made me want to play them more becuase of what I knew of the games' background and Gamespot's editorial bias against Sega at the time.
I made peace with myself that Shenmue III wont be a critical success. It wont set the charts on fire. It wont review amazingly well.

But there's one thing I'm really worried about:
The game being torn appart. If the game scores like 4/10 or 5/10s across the board... If the game scores under 65 on Metacritic basically or even under 60, consider the game fucked up. Because they reviews will make sure to pass the game as a "broken mess" or a "terrible game you dont want to check even for curiosity".

It's critical for Shenmue III to get decent reviews so that, in the long run, it can hope to reach a decent success.

Why do people care about Metacritic?

The entire WORLD doesn't give 2 shits about them...

Not directed at you, btw.
How bad of reviews would Shenmue 3 have to receive to prevent you guys from playing it?
Reviews obviously don't matter for any of us here, it's for people less acquainted with the series or their own tastes in general. The question is, how MUCH will the scores matter for those kinds of potential buyers? Review scores definitely aren't as powerful as they were back in the late 90s and early 2000s as far as sales go, but I imagine they aren't completely irrelevant yet either.
I also don't give a shit. I would play it even if the critics hated it. But It would be good for the franshise to get positive reviews.
A good scroe might bring a lot new players in!

True. But Borneo didn’t ask that, he asked how bad would the reviews have to be to prevent me from playing it. To be honest, I wish people would stop putting stock in reviewers opinions. We live in an age where you can get a glimpse of a game without spending a dime and decide if the game is right for you. However it is what it is. So if we reframe the question to ask “How bad would the reviews have to be before people consider it a bad game?” I would say anything below a 70 on Metacritic. (In terms of averages, individuals will vary).

However this is just my speculation but I think Shenmue 3 will get the same reception that the original two games did. The series has always been divisive and never had mainstream appeal. I don’t see how this entry is going to be any different. However if people like Inno can appreciate Shenmue then I don’t doubt that it’s capable of reaching many people. Will it? I don’t know.

Also critics and fans can often be at odds with one another. Movies like Ghost Busters and Alita Battle Angel are proof of that.
Oh yeah, I forgot one thing that I am afraid will probably happen. There’s a pretty good chance that Shenmue 3 will be review bombed due to the Epic controversy. Which for a game like Shenmue is something it doesn’t need right now. I hope its not enough to kill the franchise for good.
Oh yeah, I forgot one thing that I am afraid will probably happen. There’s a pretty good chance that Shenmue 3 will be review bombed due to the Epic controversy. Which for a game like Shenmue is something it doesn’t need right now. I hope its not enough to kill the franchise for good.
Maybe I'm just naive, but I have faith from the 103 update that they're doing their best to resolve this before it comes to that.
Maybe I'm just naive, but I have faith from the 103 update that they're doing their best to resolve this before it comes to that.

I think the more reasonable fans will be happy but the more extreme people will no doubt attempt to destroy Shenmue 3 to send a message to Epic. I just hope Yu Suzuki/Cedric/Deep Silver have a back up plan just in case. Like you I just want this franchise to thrive.