Random Shenmue III Thoughts

How so?.
Games have to be sent off for classification/production a month in advance, during that time the team add polish/bug fixes.
Those changes are part of the day 1 patch, as they are made after the game disc is produced.

I have well over a hundred PS4 games, so I'm well aware that patches are a thing that aren't going to go away. I'm fine with that. But a game that is just 28GB when it goes gold getting a 14gb patch is ludicrous. The last game I remember having such a large day one patch was one of the WWE 2K games and that was because it was a broken piece of shit. 14GB is more than "just polish and bug fixes".

I think it's more likely this is misinformation and not actually accurate.
Yeah I'm not sure, I'm just responding to what people here said. Where did they get their information on a new patch from?
That's the question really we saw that the v1.01 patch is 1.2gb so I'd be shocked to see a 14gb patch but it's difficult to comment without seeing the install file. We're doing some digging to see what we can find out.
When I took home a copy of Modern Warfare a couple of weeks ago from a local Redbox, it had a 56GB update patch that downloaded AFTER the install, which was 30-40GB itself.

And it wouldn't let me play the game at all until that update was complete, even single player.
Right thanks to @LemonHaze for finding this. We reckon the 14gb patch is legit.


Firstly this doesn't mean the game is broken in anyway. Patches normally contain data from the previous ones too. So the new added data is 10gb.

Secondly we know theres DLC coming which will certainly have new audio and possibly areas. They could easily be preparing for that.

Thirdly in the backer demo theres been no game breaking bugs that we've seen so I'd suggest no issues here.

Fourthly its general practice with games now to patch day 1. I dont like it but it's the way things are going and at least it's not a 50gb patch.

Basically we all need to calm down. I can't see this being the same situation as the re-releases for example. We've played a sample of the game ourselves. Yu Suzuki is a perfectionist and wouldn't have a broken game going live on day 1.


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I haven't played the demo so I'll have to take your word for that, but I do hope this game will not be a d3t style Shenmue game.

My mind simply refuses to believe Yu Suzuki would ever allow a game to be pressed on a disc in a state which is even remotely as buggy as the re-releases were when they first came out.
Big day one patches are an industry wide issue. Yeah, they suck a whole lot but we can't really focus the anger exclusively on Shenmue III here. It's just the standard practice nowadays. Also 15GB isn't even that big when you consider that some games can have day one patches in the >50GB region.

Not defending the practice (I'll never forgive Activision for only putting the first Spyro game on the Reignited Trilogy's disk), but I don't see why this is worth turning into another 'big Shenmue III controversy' when nothing out of the ordinary is really happening at all.
Again, I'm telling you guys it isn't uncommon to have massive updates, even amongst high end AA games.

Here's the screencap I took of MW when I was raging at my best friend from college about how I waited 45 minutes for the install only to see this begin. And I could start the game, but it would not allow me to play ANYTHING until the update finished. 20191026_190659.jpg
I mean, whats 14GB?, I don't know why people are threating over a patch size as if they have ever been any form of indication of the quality of a product (100 PS4 games or not).
The trial on pc is nearly 11GB, and PC users who purchased the physical version still only get a code to download the game, which is looking to be closer to 100GB download.
14GB.. Pfft..
I mean, you can try to excuse it all you want, it's still ridiculous for a AA game that's only 28GB to begin with. It's not really comparable with a huge game like Modern Warfare that probably didn't even have all the data on the disc anyways.

Yakuza games don't get 14gb day one patches... ;)
Personally, I don't see what the big deal is; 14 GB seems like a pittance.

Is everyone struggling for space on their PS4 HD? If that's the case, then I can see some uproar, but then just delete stuff you don't want/use!

Can't say I will have a problem though :D
Personally, I don't see what the big deal is; 14 GB seems like a pittance.

Is everyone struggling for space on their PS4 HD? If that's the case, then I can see some uproar, but then just delete stuff you don't want/use!

Can't say I will have a problem though :D
When I first got my Pro I freaked out about hard drive space. How am I going to fit 500 games on here?!! I never asked myself why exactly I need to store 500 games when I usually play a game once and never return to it. People can be weird... me included.
Personally, I don't see what the big deal is; 14 GB seems like a pittance.

Is everyone struggling for space on their PS4 HD? If that's the case, then I can see some uproar, but then just delete stuff you don't want/use!

Can't say I will have a problem though :D

I have hundreds of PS4 games, I'm always struggling for space :ROFLMAO:

But seriously, I made room for Shenmue 3 ages ago and my broadband is fast enough to download 14gb in no time, it's fine. I just find it oddly large... Yes, lots of AAA games have like 20,30,40 and 50gb day one patches, but it's certainly not the norm for most normal games.
It is ridiculous, but a sign of the times. Nearly all games have pretty big patches, even some of the smaller ones.

This is a small team that is probably STILL working on the game, especially since they have DLC forthcoming. I mean look how much they were able to push in just a couple of months delay from August til now.

Forgive me, but it seems you are looking for any and all signs to be worried about this game. A big patch isn't really one of them.

Here's some news: It isn't going to be phenomenal, it isn't going to be smooth for shipping(this was the largest game Kickstarter ever), it won't be the best performance wise at first.

But it will be nearly everything the fans wanted, as the previews and backer demo attested to. The one thing it will not be for us in that regard is a failure.

I'm not mad at you. I know how easy it is to become cynical or have trepidation towards aspects of how this game handled publicity or updates, etc.

Try not to be too worried and know that in 10 days you'll have the game after 16 years of waiting and probably resigned yourself to the fact you'd never see it continue years ago.
It isn't uncommon, but the issue is its typically common with games with lots of issues. That said Shenmue's isnt that big compared to ones like FFXV, mass effect andromeda, or modern warfare, game with massive amounts of problems.
Forgive me, but it seems you are looking for any and all signs to be worried about this game. A big patch isn't really one of them.

Me? I'm really not. I've been nothing but positive about the game and have defended it against lots of ridiculous hate and negativity.

Just saying a 14GB patch (a 50% increase on the initial data size) seems a bit large, because it is.

Yeah, unless this is backer content, I really see no need to defend a 14gb patch for a 28gb game. Of course it's better to patch things up than leaving them broken but it doesn't sound very reassuring.

Exactly. It's a weird hill to die on. File sizes and downloads have been getting more and more ludicrously large for no particular reason other than devs are too lazy to do a bit of optimisation and compression, or because they ship broken ass projects on the disc. I'm not saying Shenmue 3 is going to be bad or broken on the disc. In fact, I find it odd for the opposite reason. What we have seen so far does seem pretty polished and solid so far, so yes, a 14gb day one patch without understanding what it actually does and what data it includes, does seem oddly large.