Random Shenmue III Thoughts

First world Problems.

You dont eben know in the slightest how the file structure and dependencies of the files of Shenmue 3 will be.

Who said that those 14 gb ist additional file data? How about replacing old data with new modified ones?

But even if it is additional data, who cares? About what? Would you rather have a broken game?

"Oh yea shenmue 3 is a broken piece of shit but at least I dont have to worry on patches bigger than 50 percent of the actual gamedata, which would be even more concerning than the pre patch game."

Ok right
My children, we have learned never to distrust The Holy One, aka Yu Suzuki. He would probably polish this game until his death if he was allowed. The man is a perfectionist. This patch is nothing to worry about. The only bad part is that we have to wait for the patch to install until we can play! More waiting. :(
First world Problems.

You dont eben know in the slightest how the file structure and dependencies of the files of Shenmue 3 will be.

Who said that those 14 gb ist additional file data? How about replacing old data with new modified ones?

But even if it is additional data, who cares? About what? Would you rather have a broken game?

"Oh yea shenmue 3 is a broken piece of shit but at least I dont have to worry on patches bigger than 50 percent of the actual gamedata, which would be even more concerning than the pre patch game."

Ok right
I'm not defensive. I'm a PC gamer since 2003 and thus not concerned nor surprised by these kind of patch size percentages.
Shenmue I&II sucked ass and balls right after release and was patched 5 to 6 times if I remeber correctly.

I'm not saying it's flawless now, but if you add up all patch sizes you easily reach roundabout 8gb out of Shenmue I&II's 12GB install size andthey definitely fixed many things.

More patch size more fixes which can only be a good thing
Patch size means jack shit to me.The patch notes said they put in support for DLC's. They could have added a lot of stuff for that, including dual audio for phone conversations and who knows what else. They may have also added the opening catch-up video which was absent from previous builds. I'd rather see patches pre-release than no patches, shows they care and are continuing to fix bugs and make it better before release.

On the one hand they (Best Buy, Deep Silver?)did this to themselves by offering such a deep discount almost immediately. On the other hand what’s this asshole’s problem? Christ.

All in all, there really isn’t a reason to buy Shenmue III at launch. The developers have already ticked off the loyal fans, and that $25 discount is just too good to pass up.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much negativity thrown at such an “insignificant and unpopular” game in my life. Have fun camping out at Best Buy if you really want this discount.
Sometimes this community (I mean Shenmue fans in FB, Twitter etc) is so addicted to drama that it is exhausting. First the drama because it will be patches (welcome to 2010 people), then more drama because of a ONE day offer leaked for Black Friday. We also have the controversy about the patch size (and I say patch because they are accumulative and people will only have to download one on launcjmh day). And the icing of the cake was reading in a FB group to Koralik panicking because he did not saw a lot of Shenmue 3 promos in Japan.

Enough, it is like some people need the drama more than the games itself

On the one hand they (Best Buy, Deep Silver?)did this to themselves by offering such a deep discount almost immediately. On the other hand what’s this asshole’s problem? Christ.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much negativity thrown at such an “insignificant and unpopular” game in my life. Have fun camping out at Best Buy if you really want this discount.

But he is absolutely right, 42% off price drop after a week of game's release is an insane deal. There is nothing negative in this article, I think you are just taking it a bit too personally. This deal might make more people purchase the game if they were hesitating with $60 price tag.
The article is mostly negative and discussing how controversial the Kickstarter, etc. have been and how we poor backers have been so mistreated.

for context, you are going to have to camp out with a thousand other people at Best Buy right after Thanksgiving if you want to take advantage of this one day sale. Unless I’m missing something and you can also buy it online.

I think the sale is cool because it’ll get people who wouldn’t normally buy the game to buy it. I just think making it into a controversy is stupid.
At the end of the day it's literally just recycling Wario64's tweet about the Black Friday deal. It's just another part of the "journalistic" Human Centipede of how news gets around, with the author's own biases slapped on top.

There is nothing negative in this article, I think you are just taking it a bit too personally.
The content of the article literally repeats the oft-debunked "omg Sony funded Shenmue III, scam, scam!" lie, and pins the EGS deal on Ys Net rather than Deep Silver.
In other news, this revelation of the 1.02 patch and it's subsequent size bodes well for my theory that review copies will be sent this week to give reviewers the most polished product possible.

I still expect 1.03 to be the launch version of the game, as I'm sure they have something else small cooking up for launch week(PS4 Pro/HDR support please)