Random Shenmue III Thoughts

I mean, they could've not used Impact :ROFLMAO:

They had a limited budget and the title screen wasn't a high priority...I get it. I don't think they had a UI specialist on the team, judging from...all the menus in the game. The money was probably better spent elsewhere. Hard to argue with, really. As long as the interface works and isn't too cumbersome.

But, if the title screen affects your enjoyment of Shenmue III then I feel sad for you 😛

Yeah, the UI in III is, I think, better managed than the original Dreamcast games, but I still think it's not as good as the UI in the remasters were. I kind of wish they emulated that instead or got someone from D3T games to help them out building it. If not for consistency.

Oh well, it doesn't bother me that badly.
My biggest issue with the UI, is there appears to be lack of cohesion when it comes to fonts, colour scheme and overall it’s a little too cluttered. Plus I found it difficult to read the descriptions of items, due to font size being incredibly small, even at 4K.

It’s certainly not something that’s going to prevent me from enjoying the games but it appears with stamina and food system, we will be using it more than the original games.
My biggest issue with the UI, is there appears to be lack of cohesion when it comes to fonts, colour scheme and overall it’s a little too cluttered. Plus I found it difficult to read the descriptions of items, due to font size being incredibly small, even at 4K.

It’s certainly not something that’s going to prevent me from enjoying the games but it appears with stamina and food system, we will be using it more than the original games.

I can't say that was too bad for me but I'm running a 1080p TV so maybe that's the difference?

But I will say this, I started The Outer Worlds the other night and that game has some insufferably small font in its UI as a whole. I've noticed this with a few games lately. Reminds me of the jump from 480 to 720 last gen. I wonder if it is something to do with the jump from 1080p to 4K and developers not fully figuring this shit out?

But I have noticed small fonts in a handful of games lately.
The font in God of War and RDR2 was nearly unreadable to me and I have 20/20 vision. Blame that on high resolution.
I'm not really appreciating the amount of game journalist bashing going on in here. Every games writer I know who reviews games puts a huge amount of effort and professionalism into their work, and even ones who are big fans of particular series/creators approach reviews with a good sense of objectivity.

I hope this doesn't come off as dogpiling but...here's a page of receipts. Some even being hit-pieces/character assassinations of Yu Suzuki.

I'm personally still stinging from the Kotaku "place-holder" bashing article.

高野和泉 said:

I totally forgot about that scummy kotaku article. Thanks for the horrible reminder 😉😥😉
That dude Phil is an ass.

A phrase that I have seen that gets me really upset is the "weaponized Nostalgia"

I guess the people who use these type of click bait articles or Phrases, don't understand our love/passion for this game
Or for Yu Suzuki IMHO.

If only some of these guys would have looked (or maybe reported on) into past campaigns over the years. that people tried to get the series back and going.
Toy capsules to sega is one of my favorites.
Could somebody tell me what year that went down?

One of my regrets for the KS campaign,
Is that I wasn't able to give more money.

I apologize for the rant.
Just briefly saw the leaks from Finland. I do not recommend to do so if you're targeting perfect virginity against spoilers.

What I can say is that the main menu and overall UI are truly hideous lol, at least for modern standards.

Above all, the main menu has few connections with the original ones. Arriving at Shenmue 3 menu for the first time was part of the fantasy so it's a bit sad. We have yet to hear the music and sound design to experiment the real feel then.

Also disappointed by the apparent lack of evolution for Ryo's charadesign. He's the main character but his stare is still as bland as before, and not in the right way. Other protagonists still look fairly better than him. Why they half failed his design is beyond me.
How inferior will the experience be if you play without the patch while you wait as it downloads in the background? My internet is poor so downloading the 14 or 9gb required for it is a wait, I want to go right in when I start the session.

I know that the patch notes said something like battle balance and that's quite a big improvement so I'm just curious. I won't be playing until the weekend though.
How inferior will the experience be if you play without the patch while you wait as it downloads in the background? My internet is poor so downloading the 14 or 9gb required for it is a wait, I want to go right in when I start the session.

I know that the patch notes said something like battle balance and that's quite a big improvement so I'm just curious. I won't be playing until the weekend though.

A 9-14 GB day one patch is there for a reason. And the download is already available, so Deep Silver / Ys Net wants you to start the game with this patch. The real "release build" is in this patch. I wouldnt recommend playing the vanilla disc version.
What's interesting is the positioning of Ryo and Shenhua in the placeholder cover from the Kickstarter is very similar to the final cover. Yu likes what he likes, I guess!

I can't bring myself to get too upset over a start menu. Apart from the font it's fine.

Also, I think Ryo's "stare" has definitely improved, absolutely leaps and bounds from the initial trailers, and a slight improvement over the demo. There is more of a reflection in his eyes now which makes a big difference. I think he looks awesome :coffee: Even some of the previews pointed out how good the main characters look.
I think some people have really lost perspective.... almost 20 years waiting for a game that was very likely to never have happened. Where people constantly said they wanted the story in any medium are complaining about a start menu.

You’ll be on the start menu 2 seconds. I can accept criticism of any game but a start menu is really nothing !
I mean I agree but people are allowed to say if they don't like it. After 20 years of waiting the first screen you see is something people care about, especially after the great title screens of the first 2 games. I don't think anyone is saying it's a deal breaker but voicing slight disappointment of a 2 year old promo picture and IMPACT font seems understandable to me. Just because we've all been waiting 20 years doesn't mean constructive criticism isn't allowed.