Shenmue III Backer Trial | General Thread

I kept getting that bug but after i turned off DS4Windows it went away.

Oh wait, was that why I got the bug?! Because when I played it just now that program wasn't on. Hold on, let me try again, but this time with DS4Windows on.

EDIT: Yes. DS4Windows causes this bug confirmed.
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Well, I beat all 5 monks (my second time doing so)...for anyone who may be still having trouble with them, the simple Y, Y, Y, A combo catches some of their bigger moves off guard quite a treat when landed. You just gotta know when to time it. Also, lure 'em out with fake jabs. You can get them to hit some of their bigger moves and then go to town on them.

I'm still determined to beat at least White Tiger on default levels (I came close tonight, I got him down to two orbs.) White Tiger is at his worst when his health gets low I find...then he starts going super saiyan with a bunch of combos. I'm sure someone on Youtube has probably already done all 5 of them on default levels but I'll settle for at least beating White Tiger on default level.

Ground sweep is totally it from the Tao really does come in handy. Jabs are also good. Try to avoid big moves that you leave vulnerable on block otherwise the A.I will just punish you to oblivion. Jab and wait for opportunities and then take them when you get them.

Shenmue III   3_10_2019 9_25_45 PM.png

Also, highest I've been with wood chopping so far. Still trying to figure out how to nail the timing for "perfect" hits.

What's the highest you've done Wood Chopping? I'm still wondering what the limit will be on it? (there has to be a limit of some form)
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What's the highest you've done Wood Chopping? I'm still wondering what the limit will be on it? (there has to be a limit of some form)
We worked out how the scoring system for wood chopping works, and the maximum amount of score that you can currently do in the demo.
We worked out how the scoring system for wood chopping works, and the maximum amount of score that you can currently do in the demo.

Cheers, I didn't see that...will take a look at it now.
I wouldn’t worry about making a lot of money,? that’s why Shenmue 3
has an evolving economy. It’s likely the more you buy, higher demand will be, meaning the items you buy most of will increase in price but also if it becomes over saturated, the sell value will decrease. That means you’d have to put in more work to make more money eventually. So there will always be a nice balance. Well, apart from difficulty settings that may impact the economy that is, xD
I wish the fights had better ending animations. I keep thinking "It's a bit jarring how quickly the fight transitions you back to talking to Gold Tigher." I wish it gave a better ending animation to the fights. Or maybe pulled the Yakuza move and lingered on the final blow or something.
Hey dudes! Did you already know that there is a 3rd music in the wood chopping minigame?!
I made two very goods, and then an excelent and a 3rd music poped in!
I felt like a badass! lol

12 wood chop.png

PS: Just made 139 on Wood Chopping. Is that the new WR?
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Indeed, Joel; I believe it is a track from Afterburner.

Though, not sure which one, as the only Afterburner titles I've played are the port of 2 in 'mue and Yakuza games and Climax in arcades.
I wish the fights had better ending animations. I keep thinking "It's a bit jarring how quickly the fight transitions you back to talking to Gold Tigher." I wish it gave a better ending animation to the fights. Or maybe pulled the Yakuza move and lingered on the final blow or something.
Yeah, I’m really hoping this will be addressed in the final game.
How do you choose which move to train in sparring? And can it be changed during a session?

I'm pretty sure I went from training Elbow Assault to Counter Elow Assault during a that because I stumbled across the new combo, or is it because I mastered Elbow Assault?
r1 or l1 on the controller. It cycles through em. Have fun.
While re-playing the demo today I noticed that it says "S3" on Ryo's shoes. Saw it when doing Horse Stance. Probably the millionth person to see it, but still, cool detail.
I kept getting that bug but after i turned off DS4Windows it went away.
You don't even need it. Shenmue 3 reads a PS4 controller, I found that out. And through Steam it will read any generic controller too. BTW poking around I saw a Steamworks folder, and more in it to work with Steam. It's no wonder it works so well through Steam.