[!!SPOILERS!!] Datamined Info - Discussion Thread (Backer Demo)

I literally answered that question in the last sentence of the post that you quoted. I'm going to be away today, but I want to do one tomorrow if nobody else has done so by then.

Based on other posts in this thread, I'm not the only one who has warped out of bounds so far. I see that Espprial is looking into the trial now and he's done some interesting thing already including exploring Shenhua's house more than I did. I didn't notice yesterday that you could save your game there.

Where'd Espprial mention saving @ Shenhua's house?

just started to brute force hex values into inventory,
after filling in what seems to be the majority of the item spaces in the array allocated for the inventory, this game is gonna be one heck of a collectathon to 100%, there are alot of consumables but a quick tally, this might be messed up though and not sorted correctly

170 FOOD items
290 KEY items

the best restorative items seem to be roast piglet that restores 1500 hp, snake power does something but can only be used at a certain time, (fighting?)
around 35 pieces of clothing, jackets, trousers, gi, ect for Ryo? +40 others that can be purchased in game like branded t-shirts, jeans, and trainers
26 pieces like dresses, hats, that cannot be equipped by Ryo
10 or so phone card variants


View attachment 4428
found the Fishing rod, but can't seem to use it yet, only tried walking to one fishing spot and selecting it in inventory,
it might be in the wrong slot or something, not a key item maybe

the inventory format is 4 byte 01 00 00 00 for each item value, they seem to be pre allocated in certain addresses, and FF FF FF FF nulled out, replace with 01 00 00 00 and it will show up somewhere as 1 of them, the next bytes are the qunatities, so you can have over 255 to 9999 of each

I completely forgot how to work out pointers in CE, its been years since I have used it lol

Like how you search for the time value to freeze, search for the item quantity, 10, byte, exact value, use an item, then changer the search value by 1 or what ever it changed to, next scan, do this a few times till 2 results are left,

browse memory region and you should see a bunch of FF, and 01 00 00 00 replace the 4 bytes sequentially and change the inventory tab to see what new item or what changed.

Specifcaly the 4 bytes after the highlighted FF gave me the rod in slot 1 of key items
View attachment 4429

Seems to be several rods

View attachment 4430
Capsule toy tickets work, not sure how to feel about this, non backers will be pleased i guess

View attachment 4432
View attachment 4433
 all of the dice dude and chibi YOU backer items are in there, I wont post them out of respect as this is digging pretty much into spoilers people probably dont want. other items of intrest are the phone card, VIP cards and such, a dress for a lady ??
View attachment 4435
fortuneteller, Niaowu herb maps, FORKLIFT RECRUITMENT
View attachment 4436 

photo of Zang, seems these little Bailu chan might be hidden throughout the land for us to find, several NEW Chawan signs to use
View attachment 4437
View attachment 4438

Wonder if all those Chawan signs are fighting side quests. Also, Bailu Chan is adorable. Also can you take a pic of one of the alternate outfits Ryo has or is it not possible to do it in the demo?
Out of bound screenshots.

Shenhua's house and other inaccessible areas, there are missing assets here and there but the basic layout is there, also I've modded the game to display in 21.9 (except during cutscenes)




















Out of bound screenshots.

Shenhua's house and other inaccessible areas, there are missing assets here and there but the basic layout is there, also I've modded the game to display in 21.9 (except during cutscenes)




















Wow. Bailu is huge and very very beautiful.
void InitializeBellTowerHiddenRoomGimmick();
`// BlueprintGeneratedClass BP_Hakkason_FindSecretRoom.BP_Hakkason_FindSecretRoom_C`
TArray<struct FFlagConditionChange> FlagConditionChanges; 
TArray<struct FFlagStepChange> FlagStepChanges; 
TArray<class AS3GimmickChair*> GimmickChairList;
class ABP_Hakkason_FindSecretRoom_C : public AS3FindSecretRoom
    struct FPointerToUberGraphFrame                    UberGraphFrame;                                           // 0x0330(0x0008) (Transient, DuplicateTransient)
    class USkeletalMeshComponent*                      UseItemSkeletalMesh;                                      // 0x0338(0x0008) (BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, InstancedReference, IsPlainOldData)
    class USceneComponent*                             DefaultSceneRoot;                                         // 0x0340(0x0008) (BlueprintVisible, ZeroConstructor, InstancedReference, IsPlainOldData)
    float                                              Timeline_PillarKeyActor_DrawOutPerformance_LocationRate_16B9BF944813DBBD52A9F0B8D26495C2;// 0x0348(0x0004) (ZeroConstructor, IsPlainOldData)
    TEnumAsByte<ETimelineDirection>                    Timeline_PillarKeyActor_DrawOutPerformance__Direction_16B9BF944813DBBD52A9F0B8D26495C2;// 0x034C(0x0001) (ZeroConstructor, IsPlainOldData)
Any evidence of a “wait” feature so far?

I feel like the lack of save anywhere and a wait feature could contribute the most to bad review scores outside of game breaking bugs.
As far as easy instructions go for warping out of bounds - I think the ideal solution is a patch that people can use.
For yesterday I was just poking different values into memory to warp at runtime, but the memory locations change each time you start the game so we can't static addresses unless I hunt for the pointers. But actually finding the coordinates is pretty easy once you have some known values, which I can provide once I've actually verified they work. I noted them yesterday but haven't actually tested them yet. (Busy today so tomorrow)
I feel like the lack of save anywhere and a wait feature could contribute the most to bad review scores outside of game breaking bugs.
But the save option is already in the backer trial, it's on the 3rd page of the options screen when you bring up the menu. It's just greyed out for the demo. I haven't heard anyone say that it wouldn't be there.

I can't comment on anything else because I'm not looking at the game data myself yet, just playing with memory at runtime.
Yeah, I call BS that she's a bad cook (self-admitted); her rabbit box looked great in 'mue II and her stuff looks awesome in that SS above.
I know people have already posted plenty of screenshots but here are a few random ones I've taken.

1) Milking the grass and the goat! I hope there's supposed to be a bucket there and it's just a missing as/set.

2) wooowieee, Bailu is big. Definitely bigger than Yamanose, Sakuragaosa and Dobuita combined. There might not be as much architecture but the land mass definitely looks bigger.

3) "Welcome to the Velvet Room". indeed. Fuck, where's my Shenmue x Persona crossover!?

4) Still having nightmare's, Ryo?

5) Shenhua with the magic knife, or magic veggies. Slicing cucumbers while the cucumber stays whole. Looks like she's making a nice curry. They're gonna eat all that by themselves? They should definitely share. :(