Getting in touch with past members...

Wow the site sure has changed, but things look pretty great. I’ve been really busy lately with life, so I haven’t been able to visit much lately, but hope to be around more in the future (especially with Shenmue HD coming soon). I’ve decided to register here with the name I use everywhere else on the internet, but I was previously known as Thief (and briefly LAMEWAD). Good to be back.
Feature Request: The ability to like a post more than once.

Heyyy, thanks for saying so LGS, I didn't expect to evoke such enthusiasm! But I'm stoked to see you on here too of course, and I'd put in a similar request for the ability to like your post more than once too but for the worry that it may seem like I was excessively liking it because it contained praise for my post. I'll put in a request at a more tasteful moment.

p.s. Nice chibi Ryo avatar
Love digging through this thread and seeing all these familiar names i think most that i can remember have been mentioned whether they’ve signed back up here or not only name that i haven’t seen and was totally expecting to was Alimn unless he posts under a different name now?
Love digging through this thread and seeing all these familiar names i think most that i can remember have been mentioned whether they’ve signed back up here or not only name that i haven’t seen and was totally expecting to was Alimn unless he posts under a different name now?

Always found it odd that he got that "community ambassador" position yet in the years following he just doesn't pop in at all.
Has Bluecast (@Raiden) legit been banned already??

Yes. He shouldn't have registered in the first place for the account to be banned, and why he thought a new forum meant a new clean slate for any banned members of the previous forums is beyond me. I didn't even know it was him until another admin showed me a PM sent, where apparently "Peter is letting me stay" was what was said. Absolute garbage, I haven't spoken to him since his banning a while back, and have no intentions of doing so. The days of idiotic comments and 40+ spam posting a day are long gone.

I've written more in the forum changelog here:
May I say: Since I came back I spend a lot less time on twitter and more time here. Twitter is just so hateful and the dojo definitely is not! In the end: We're all in this for a reason...
Really happy to hear this as it's the entire point and always has been.
Amongst Shenmue fans (which is generally not my experience) or on the whole?

I only hang around on #crypto twitter. You know, Bitcoin and stuff, and there people are miserable... I wouldn't know how "normal" twitter is like. Never really been there. But I guess Shenmue twitter is pretty much like here.
I'm hateful pretty much anywhere I go. Like Scrooge with a baby crab down his trousers.