Mental Health Dojo

Thank you everybody for your kindness. I'm sorry for the delayed response. I have told a few of my closest friends and my parents and it seems to have gone down quite well. I have yet to tell my brother or my girlfriend, but once I do, I will be more open about it at work/social media etc.

I felt like I had to tell my parents at the time, because I found out we are moving house...5 minutes walk down the road. Whilst I understand why this is happening, all I could think about was how inefficent this feels and how essentially I will be moving out twice (once I get my own place of course). I thought they would not appreciate my displeasure at the news, so I told them there and then so they at least understood.

I'm still waiting for the official letter, but in the meantime i've been trying to read up on aspergers and to come to grips with what I have. I returned to work today after a couple of days flexi leave and within a couple of hours, I was lying on my bed barely able to move. I feel so lethargic, so tired. It could be the gloomy weather, wanting to talk to my girlfriend (we haven't spoken much as she's under a lot of pressure with deadlines) and anxiety around my brother, but at the moment, it's just enough to get through the day. I hope i'll never have to justify my behaviour as "I have aspergers", but sometimes I get pretty wound up easily.

I did have a lovely morning yesterday meeting friends for breakfast and talking. You'd never think I was socially anxious at that point.

@KiddMarine - I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. It's probably cold comfort right now, but I hope you will be OK and take comfort in happy memories.
Sincere condolences, @KiddMarine . As I always say, the lives in our lives, never truly go away if you hold wonderful memories; they will always be a piece of your heart, if you remember and acknowledge them. At least he is no longer burdened with the ailment and he's free of pain :).

Great that you found out, BCD! As Hiki said, it will complete (or in your case, help complete) the puzzle and help you better-understand your path and how to cope/thrive with it. :)
My parents had me tested for autism when I was a kid, but was apparently told I was not on the spectrum. Although these days, I'm not sure they had it right.

I'm terrible with social interactions. Everyone at my old job used to think I was up myself because I had very little to do with any of them, but really, I was always afraid to interact with them for fear of them judging me or just having nothing in common with me and them finding me to be a boring worthless person to them. It's how I am with meeting anyone new really. I'm terrible meeting new people, can't make eye contact...droop my head and talk towards the ground because I'm afraid to look them in the eye.

Obsessive routines? Oh yeah! I mean as far as being quite obsessive over certain things and having certain patterns that seem repetitive.

Often verbalizes internal thoughts? I wouldn't say verbalize but I definitely share too much on social media of what's going through my head at any given moment.

I don't know, I've never been tested since child hood but I sometimes wonder, did they get it wrong when I was a kid? There are certain things that just make sense about who I am.

Also, I wouldn't worry about people treating you differently @bcdcdude. Not that it's the same thing, but I am epileptic. I haven't had an episode in years, but when I was a child, they would come sporadically once or twice every 3 or 4 years I would say. Anyways, I remember when I was 15 and our Australian government started running a series of commercials about not being ashamed of being an epileptic and not treating people differently for it...I would mock those ads with my friends. My friends knew I was epileptic, christ, I had an episode when I was 13 during the middle of a science class...everyone in my class saw me as I crashed to floor with my eyes rolled back in my head and my body trembling like crazy. Had a black eye from where my eye hit the corner of the desk on the way in my class went on to joke that I had a battle with the desk and the desk won. :)

Anyways, honestly, very few treated me differently for it. In fact I got more sympathy than anything else for it. Which was strange to me being the bullied kid I was all throughout primary school. But when the government started running those ads about Epilepsy, my friends and I would laugh about it and shrug it off...I guess my trues friends didn't really care and didn't see me any's just a thing I had but it didn't change me or who I was to my real friends and family and we would laugh at the uber seriousness of those ads and how they treated like it was something to be weary off (even if that wasn't the intent -- it felt very much the opposite of what they intended.)

So yeah, I think it's pretty cool people seem pretty accepting of it once you told them...I think it's a sign that it doesn't change how they see you. They just see you as matter what. They see you as the good dude they always knew, just now maybe some odd things here and there make a little more sense now confirmed...but you're still you to them and that's all they really care about.
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Follow up on that friend situation: This is gonna get long and kind of venty so bare with me.

She messaged on Friday after my apology. Not even acknowledging the apology. She messaged with a simple "Brad (her husband) broke his foot and chipped of bone fragment today". I left the message and didn't answer all day. Wssn't sure I wanted to message. Plus I figured they would be too busy to answer back so leave it until the night time. I finally messaged back that night with a simple "How did he manage that?"

She replied: "Climbing the girls trampoline. The stairs gave out underneath him and broke his foot."

I reply: "Yeeesh that sucks."

She replies: "Like this is all we need right now. I'm just getting over post natal depression. We're in lockdown. We're dealing getting vacced for all of us (7 of them in total). Home schooling. Now this on top of all of it."

I reply: "Welcome to hell." Now when I replied this, I meant this as a figurative statement in the sense that life ain't particularly easy for anyone at the moment. But more on this later.

I further replied at the risk of upsetting but trying to explain my distant mood and mindset about where my head was and if I was sounding insensitive or uncaring that it's not's me. Based on the experience of the message about her grandmother, I just wanted to clear the air that if I sound distant or insensitive, she shouldn't take it to heart because I'm still dealing with shit at the moment and it has no reflection on her. I also specifically said "this is not a pissing contest and I'm not saying my shit is worse than yours...I'm just giving you a heads up that I may sound insensitive or distant." Again this is important.

Then I tried to follow that message up with "How did his work take the news of his foot?"

Radio silence all weekend...didn't message, couldn't be assed. Knew I was in the shit books.

Then today, I get this message: And I'm just gonna quote it.

"I am not in anywhere or near hell...stop trying to drag people down to where you're at because you are lonely. Do not compare our situations, which you did. When you say "but" everything before means its a lie and now here comes the truth. I am in a happy place where I've been tested. Not in hell or place that will get worse. Grow the fuck up and take the medication and talk to a shrink as you have a mental disease you are clearly not getting the correct help with."

Verbatim as she said it to me.

Okay, so I choose not to respond...but everything about this is enraging to me so let me vent here.

"Welcome to hell." Despite what she thinks, it was not meant to drag her down to my level. It was a fucking figure of speech! EVERYONE IN THE WORLD RIGHT NOW HAS THEIR FUCKING ISSUES! I'm sorry, it was a figure of fucking speech. Sorry, I don't have much hope in the state of the world these days. I'm trying to remain positive, but it's kind of fucking hard to hold on to hope when things admittedly look pretty bleak...but so sorry I say that. That doesn't mean I was trying to drag her down to my level.

I get it...they have 5 kids...her husband is the only one working and he has a blue collar job. I get it, times are tough all around. I'm working part time at a cinema with three or four shifts a week barely clearing minimum wage. It's not ideal, for anyone and that's all I meant by "Welcome to Hell" in we all have our issues at the moment. It was not meant to drag her down. What do you want me to say? I mean I could say the stinking truth? Maybe re-consider opening your legs and not having 5 kids on a SINGLE mediocre wage but hey, she wouldn't want to hear that truth, now would she? Yeah, I know that's mean but she wants to dish me some "truth" then why can't I dish some right back? Especially when her in laws all say the same damn thing.

Go get help? I'VE BEEN TO THERAPY ALL FUCKING YEAR! That's all I've been doing. I go once every week. I'm fighting the demons in my fucking head. If she bothered to fucking actually ask she might know this! In fact that's why I went silent to her. Not to burden her with the stuff I'm going through at the moment because I know she doesn't have time to deal with my crap and 5 kids of her own. That's how little she fucking knows, because lets be honest? She stopped caring! Just the same as I had to stop caring about them and start taking care of myself.

Where was I saying my shit was worse than hers when I constantly said over and over again "I'M NOT TRYING TO MAKE THS A PISSING CONTEST!" I'm not trying to say my shit is worse than hers. I was offering an explanation for if I sounded cold or distant in hope she wouldn't take offense to it like she did with my reply about her grandmother. But apparently I'm doing the thing I specifically said I wasn't doing and turning it into a pissing contest.

Where am I trying to drag her down to my level? I DON'T WISH THIS ON ANYONE. I don't wish it on my worst enemy let alone my supposed best friend. No one should be where I am right now. Yes I am doing better, yes I go to therapy, no I don't take medication because I have my fears about weight gain and I've seen how it effects people. I saw a slim girl I knew from high school balloon out massively thanks to anti depressants so sue me if I'm a little worried about that side effect when I'm already obese! But fuck, it's a daily fight of mood swings and I'm not gonna beat myself up for dealing with it.

Okay, fine I don't have much hope in the world lately. TAKE A LOOK AROUND! There are a LOT of us dealing with shit in this current situation. It's hard to have hope in some pretty dark days! Saying "Welcome to hell" was a fucking figure of speech!

And I'm done! FUCK THIS! FUCK THIS FUCKING SHIT! I'm not gonna beat myself up...I've done enough of that already.

What? She just wants me to be a shoulder to cry on? I can't fucking be that when I'm dealing with my own shit just as much as she is. Because that's why she messaged right? Looking for a shoulder to cry on? Well I'm sorry, I can't be that person when I have my own fucking shit to work on right now. And no I wasn't trying to drag her down...If I really wanted to do that I would have been messaging all year with every damn insecure thought or panic attack that came to light in the early days of therapy.

Sorry for the vent but fuck me! At this point, I'm ready to say good bye to this friendship.

EDIT: A day or two removed and I have calmed down...I admit this was pretty vitriolic and I don't like posting like this on the forum but in this case...well I needed to say it here otherwise I would have unloaded on her and I wouldn't been as held back as I was here. And I probably would have said some nasty shit to her that even if I didn't aim it at her kids (who are innocent bystanders), it probably would have been taken that way by her. So yeah, this was me just venting to get that anger off my chest. I'll leave it unedited, but yeah, the anger has subsided in me.

As to what did I do? I deleted her contact from my phone. Block the number to stop myself from saying something stupid. And then messaged her husband wishing him a good life and simply explaining she was deleted and blocked from my phone and I want nothing to do with this. It's her problem. Not mine. And I'm not gonna beat myself up for her misconstruing both words and my intentions. So I think it's safe to say the bridge might be burnt on that one. Considering I got no message back from her husband.

That one is a little sad to me considering I knew him long before I knew her. I knew him for near 25 years. I didn't expect an answer back from him because lets face it, happy wife = happy life and to side with friend over wife is not a happy life :D But still a little sad. But, I think it's over. After 25 years for him and 20 for her...I think it's over.

Although weirder things have happened...I've had many blow outs with my other friend Heather over the 20 years since high school and somehow we've always managed to reconcile. Even after a 5 year gap of not speaking, I was able to mend bridges on that who knows? But honestly, after yesterday, I'm not sure I want it to go back to the way it was with these people.
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I kind of know what needs to be done...I need a fresh start. Last year when I went into bankruptcy, it's all I could focus on. It's what led to the suicide attempt...that and my general lack of hope with what's going on. I've been fighting this thing all year in therapy and for a while now, I've been thinking I know what I have to do.

I need a fresh start. Wipe my mind of all the things I've done wrong in the past. Alleviate myself of the damn guilt I've felt for so long. Maybe just time to start fresh and cut free of this.

Totally against the Shenmue mantra of keep friends close, but I think the longer this goes on the more harm I'm gonna do myself and it's always gonna be there like an albatross. I can say I'm sorry like I always do but even if I wanted to, I don't want to this time. I don't want things to go back to the way they've always been. Where deep down I'm beating myself up just because I'm afraid to move on and have some fear of change.

Time for a fresh start I think...time to walk away...leave them behind once and for all and regain my life back.
Absolutely. That verbatim message tells me (again, my POV and not reality) that she absolutely DOESN'T value your friendship and that you were kept around as a punching bag.

It's almost as if she sent you the news of him breaking his foot, in an attempt to get you to respond with something she could lash out at.

Is this chick a, "basic bitch," by any chance? 'cause the, "great place," comment is a basic bitch buzzword/sentence lol.

If so, in my experience, those people are to be avoided like the plague.

And rant away! Ranting helps, believe me ;)
Absolutely. That verbatim message tells me (again, my POV and not reality) that she absolutely DOESN'T value your friendship and that you were kept around as a punching bag.

It's almost as if she sent you the news of him breaking his foot, in an attempt to get you to respond with something she could lash out at.

Is this chick a, "basic bitch," by any chance? 'cause the, "great place," comment is a basic bitch buzzword/sentence lol.

If so, in my experience, those people are to be avoided like the plague.

And rant away! Ranting helps, believe me ;)
You know, I find it funny that she messaged a day after her birthday. I didn't wish her a happy birthday because I assumed she was still angry at me about the grandmother and was leaving her be and then a day later I get the message about her husbands foot.

I don't think she'd lie about her husbands foot, but it did give me pause that it was conveniently timed. That's why I actually messaged her husband with the farewell comment and made sure to mention the foot injury. Just to see...I don't think she'd lie about that...but still, it gave me pause. Was this all just an angry set up to get the reaction she wanted?

I don't know. I was thinking about it the other day. I don't think I've ever been in a situation where I've ever got an apology from her. She has done things to hurt me but I don't think I've ever heard a genuine apology from her in 20 years. I've apologized multiple times for things I've done...I'm no angel...I've fucked up things so many damn times but have always apologized for shit I've said out of turn or things I've done, but I don't think there was ever a situation where I got an apology back from her in 20 years of friendship when she wronged me.

I think the thing that gets me about this is she wants me to feel bad about something I can't possibly feel bad about when I know what my intentions were in writing said message and I made intentions crystal clear. She wants me to beat myself up over something she misconstrued? I made sure to mention that to her husband. Sorry, not gonna beat myself up over something I don't feel bad for no matter if she tries to make me feel bad for it. It's her problem, not mine.

Basic bitch? To some degree, A little bit. Let's just say she was never as interesting as she thought she was. She and her husband are geeks but are basically the mainstream type of geeks as I refer to them. As in she used to thumb her nose at anything comic book related (Batman was garbage -- when I was dating her because I was way into Batman and have been ever since I was a kid -- Cool or not, I've loved it) yet as soon as Batman became the in thing again, she was all over it like a fly on shit because it was "cool" to like Batman again. She always struck me a little as that type, yes. Very mainstream.
Yup, definitely sounds like the type. I avoid those people like the plague lol, because in EVERY case of someone like that I've grown close with, their lives are 100% superficial and devoid of any meaning/substance and I don't typically get along with people like that (my FIL is that to a T... he's just not a quality human-being and there is an endless list of negative qualities to him, with a VERY short list of positive qualities).

I personally feel you definitely did the right thing, especially if you have never gotten a genuine apology in 20 years... yeah, there's a disconnect in the relationship there (and it ain't on your end).

Continuing on what I wrote above, from what you have written, I'm wholly-convinced that she kept you around as a punching bag/emotion sink, to just spew all her negativity. I mean, yeah, it's a friendly thing to inform a friend about a broken foot, but why not talk for days/weeks and then the first thing out of her mouth is something negative, about a negative situation?

Keep on moving forward, Dan, put that toxicity behind you :)
One more tidbit while I think of it...because this one just made me shake my head and laugh out loud.

I remember when Chester of Linkin Park committed suicide. She was huge into Linkin Park as a teenager (as was I), so she was listening to a lot of Linkin Park in tribute and I get a message...I remember this because it just made me want to smack my forehead.

"Wow, I never realised just how depression heavy their lyrics were before..."

Really? Numb didn't give it away for her with it obvious heavy handed treatment? I mean I like the song Numb, but it's fucking obvious it's about depression.

As someone who listened to a lot of BSDM (Black Suicidal Depression Metal) as a teenager (so sue me, I love the German Band Bethlehem), Linkin Park was bare basic radio friendly depression hour in my books...not that there was anything wrong with that...but it just staggered me that for as into Linkin Park as she was as a teenager, it never clicked for her that there were songs they did that were clearly about depression and angst?

I think it was that moment in the friendship I realized "you can be a real blonde at times." :)

But yeah, point being she never struck me as a deep thinker...didn't really see past the surface on a lot of things.

But anyways, thanks @Truck_1_0_1_

As you and Jibby said to me in private. The only thing I can take from it is she wanted the shoulder to cry on and when she got an answer she didn't like that wasn't the tired empty "oh you poor thing" reply...she got angry. My friend Heather put it to me in this way. "She's been going through shit. You've been going through shit. She obviously wanted the shoulder to cry on and got angry at the thought of solving someone else's problems or having someone else's burden on top of hers."

The problem for me is that doesn't make sense when I specifically told her "this is not a pissing contest. This is not my shit is worse than yours. Just an explanation if I sound cold or distant." How can that be misconstrued? I wasn't asking her to solve my problems or take on my burden. But goes on.
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I joined the gym a couple weeks ago. Even though it was only a couple weeks, and only doing about 30 minutes during my break, I thought I lost a little weight until my mum said a comment about how I am getting "really big". Mum says a lot of stuff that stresses me but this made me insecure. I promised myself only to weigh myself once a month but felt an urge to do it mid-way and in turns out I've put on a little weight.

My diet is not the best but it seems I have to starve myself to keep it off. I lost weight previously, a lot, and I just stuck with 3 meals a day, no snacking and those 3 meals consisted of a smoothie, very light lunch and a full dinner. In 6 weeks I lost more than 10kg (22lbs) and was noticeably slimmer. Just took for me to have regular meals and I put it all back on and some.

It is hard. I hate working out and the only thing I may enjoy, physically, is playing football but I don't know anyone to play with.
You and me both.

When I lived in Calgary, I did my hour, 50 minute walk (9.7 KM) to work, Monday to Friday and then Monday to Thursday, I'd do up to 1 1/2 hours in the gym; Monday was an arm day, Tuesday was pure-cardio (bike. My peak was up to 1 hour, 20 minutes), Wednesday was legs and Thursday was arms again. Every day I would do at least 30 minutes on the bike (usually, Wednesdays would be 40 minutes or so).

In 5 months of doing this religiously, I went from 239 to 217 (pounds), but the main things I was doing (bike and walking), was heavy cardio.

Once I moved back to Ontario, I indeed went to the gym for 8 months, but I didn't have the stamina to do the bike as long (we're lower to sea level and your lungs don't retain as much oxygen as they do at altitude, which Calgary is at) and I stopped walking for a bit (even if I did walk, I wouldn't be able to get to the gym in time), despite keeping the same schedule as I did in Calgary. Because this gym had a ton more equipment, however, I was able to do a lot more weight training and additional side things, but I severely cut down my cardio as a result.

I didn't gain weight, but I didn't lose anything (this was after putting on some weight, after I stopped going to the gym in Calgary and then moving back) and I was getting bigger, muscle-wise, but my main goal was to lose fat and, like with you, that didn't happen.

Then I had to ditch my old car, so I cancelled my membership and haven't been back to a gym since, but I'm still doing the walk to work and boxing (as I've mentioned), so I'm able to keep some form of exercise going.

But I know what you mean; carrying around the extra weight is a chore and is bothersome :(
Food is my vice, especially not worrying about it. In other news, my wife and I are still not talking and I swear it's been 3 weeks or so. Not too sure what's caused it, absolutely no idea, but we are only taking to each other when absolutely necessary. Sometimes I prefer it like this as the constant ups and downs usually annoy me more. We'll be fine as a couple, hugging, making jokes etc. and I'll accidentally cut her off during a conversation/debate, not put the washing up liquid back in the exact position it was or simply tell her something she should be doing and it turns into a 30 minute monologue about how I don't care for her.

I sound mean but sometimes it can be really petty.

In regards to mental health, this is fascinating and critical. I hope to see more of it.
Ever since my treatment for anemia, I've been feeling better on the fatigue part. No longer feeling light headed or that I am about to feint. Now my fatigue simply comes from a lack of sleep and waking up early at night.

I feel that I am ready to go back to a more challenging job. I took my current role because I was desperate but have not enjoyed it, especially recently. The micromanagement is on another scale and the role itself is very salesly and annoying.

I've been offered another job elsewhere but the main issue is it's only a 1 year contract and it's a bit further than my current office (when we actually go back to the office). Really torn whether I grit my teeth and stick to this role or move. Have until Monday to make a decision.
I have had a very challenging week.

Last week, I went public with my apsergers diagnosis and thankfully the feedback was positive.

However, i'm not going to talk about that today. Earlier this week, I learned some terrible news. My brother is going to be a father. Now normally, you'd think that's good news. In this instance, it isn't. My brother has been in an on/off relationship with a woman who used to be a good friend of mine. This woman was also in sexual relationships with a few of my friends. However, one day during a leaving do, she went massively bi-polar and behaved in a shocking and shameful way. I felt humilated and cut her out of my life after years of friendship. However, that night she went apeshit, she met my brother for the first time and within minutes they were both making out (both were blind drunk).

I then was told from a good friend of mine that she made multiple false rape alligations against my friends and her family. I felt relieved cutting her out of my life. Then a few years ago, my brother told me they were in a relationship together. I was furious, but I eventually said that as he's an adult, he's free to make his own decisions, but that he has to accept the consequences. I never acknowledged her in the few years they were together and engaged. When she stayed over, I tried to stay round other friends' for the night and would make it so that she could only visit when i'm not around. They then broke up, but remained friends. My opinion never changed.

Then a few days ago, my brother said that they are going to have a baby. It was unplanned. They have no plans to get back together, but he will play his part in raising the child. He knew I was going to go ballistic, but I thought against it (and it took all my will not to do so), because it will make us feel like shit and it doesn't change anything. I said that I would play no part in this child's life other than to be kind when s/he is around. I refuse to acknowledge the mother's existance. I was pleased he is taking this whole thing seriously...except his drinking.

My brother has had it pretty rough over the years. He's been in and out of jobs and he has some kind of ADHD (which is the polar opposite of my methodical aspergers) making us incompatible. However, I try my best to help him in ways I can that don't involve money (giving him lifts to work etc) and sometimes we are able to have polite conversation. However, living with him makes me miserable. I've spent over a decade trying to save up and move out. In that space of time, he moved out 3 times - once to another country, so our philosphy in life has been different. He has no savings and is subject to a court order paying back debts. He is trying to better himself, applying for a college course to gain the grades he never got from school (due to an illness at the time) and that was cancelled last week due to a lack of applicants. Sometimes I feel so bad for him, but I cannot forgive his mistakes.

I also worry about his drinking. I love a good beer and don't mind getting drunk, but whereas i'm a pleasant drunk and know when to stop, he cannot do so. Despite being in our mid-30's, I still worry about his behaviour - especially when drinking, so I have to know what he's doing, where he is, what time he will be back etc. He can do what he wants, but I feel at ease knowing these things, but he can't even do that. We have 2 pubs in our village and I saw him drinking in one last night. I stupidly told him that i'm going to the other pub across the road to meet mutual friends. I am very careful how I act around him and he kept saying I was uptight and I should have fun. I finally lost it and said that his behaviour in recent times has been shocking and that he should stop drinking, take his new job seriously and fucking grow up.

As some of you know, I haven't seen my girlfriend in over 2 years. I never thought i'd have children for multiple reasons, but on a good day, I can see us having one. We want to do it correctly; to live togehter, get married, settle down, then have a child. My brother has done everything the exact opposite. Sometimes I want to shake him and say i'm ashamed to be his brother, but I know in doing so, he will go into a self destructive cycle again.

This awful woman has ruined two lives now.

I'm going to my first concert in 18 months tonight (an English band called Part Chimp) and it's going to be deafeningly loud. I hope the noise will purge some of my sadness away.

Seems like these tough times will never end. Not even for us. Guys, first of all I wanted to tell you that I am extremely grateful to be a part of the ever-growing Shenmue family. But recently, I have been following the events around the Globe and found out that everything is spiralling downwards and seems to be having quite an impact on our lives. Allow me to express my gratitude to everyone in terms of emotional support towards one another, even though we *still* cannot directly interact due to the ongoing pandemic.
I recently came home from my vacation and already stumbled upon some problems. My family found out that the tourist agency that works as a business partner between us has been charging a 50% tax provision for our vacation home, which is absurd and reeks of corruption. My father told me that if I fail at getting a proper job, I might resort to tourism, which is not a bad idea per se, but paying 50% of my earnings as a tax is just exorbitant.
Oh, but there have been some good things once in a while too: my boss told me that I'll get an Employee Of The Month plaque in my group as a result of diligent working and being able to come to work continuously without any sick leaves. Above all, I got a brand new hobby: programming! That's right. I am currently taking my first steps in the field, but after enough time I might even end up making a video game on my own. Probably even a Shenmue spin-off, who knows!
Anyway now that I restarted with my work, I also have very little time to spend, which also explains why I am not that frequent on the forums anymore. But don't worry, I'll be back soon enough with an update. Thank you and have a great day!
Job offer came through today and I'm stuck on whether to accept it or not. My current job is boring and I'm unmotivated BUT, if I could get away dossing around for the next year I would be happy to stay. Despite being a crap job, the people are alright and the this is the company that gave me a job when I was at my lowest. Do I owe them more than a year of service?

So on the fence.
Hmm... the question I would ask myself, is, "will this lead to something better in the future?" IE, will this open more doors or give you an accrued year of experience for something higher-up?

If that's the case, I'd take it. If it's just a temporary thing that will leave your career stagnant and then when you're done, you can't even get your old job back, then I might stick with what you've got.

Keep moving forward!
It's a well known company and it will help me in that area. There is also a possibility that I would stay on too. The company I am currently working for, today I spent way too much time watching YouTube and not doing much. Next week a new month starts and it's another grind. No job is perfect, so that part of me is just saying grit your teeth and get on with it. Part of me feels though that within 6 months time, half of my team will be gone because we are not hitting the lofty targets.