The Shenmue 3 Review Thread

I think they just haven’t updated yet. I’m fairly sure I’ve seen Hobby Consolas on Metacritic.
Why are none of these good reviews showing on Metacritic? Does Hobby Consolas and LaPS4 not count either?
Hobby Consolas must pop up at some point, they are in other metacritic lists and is huge in Spain. And LaPS4 at least use to appear, I have checked the RDR2 list and they are there
This is the type of logic I’m up against:
bell wood's jet cola said:
I’ve seen the English dub mentioned as a negative. These reviewers are aware you don’t need to play with the English dub, right?
Disliking it and thus changing to Japanese doesn’t stop the English dub from being a negative
How does this make any sense whatsoever?
The English dub can be a negative just as much as "no English dub" is a negative. If the English dub is terrible to the point that nobody listens to it, then it's effectively the same as not having one.

If you can turn it off then it can't be more of a negative than not having one, though.
Not sur if this one surfaced before or if its positive or negative
iTs GoInG tO gEt ShIt ReViEwS
And it will probably will have some, it is going to be a divisive game at the end of the day, but yes, is not the dissaster some people was saying all the time during development
And it will probably will have some, it is going to be a divisive game at the end of the day, but yes, is not the dissaster some people was saying all the time during development

Yeah, I'm aware it will. My argument was never that it wouldn't be divisive, or wouldn't get some negative and some mediocre reviews. I always argued that it would get a number of positive reviews and a lot of it from press that matters, like Eurogamer and IGN (Jpn). We'll have to wait and see what the Western IGN scores it though, as I expect something a bit lower (7 or 8).
BTW, now it appears as a plain 9, but when I posted it it was 99, weird, but 9 is still great
Lol as a Death Stranding fanboy myself, I can safely say I don’t care what IGN scores games. But if it helps us get Shenmue 4, then I’m all for it.

I only say that because they were having a conniption fit over the 6.8....take a game that “looks like a PS2 game” and give it a higher score and see how they react :D
It's updated. It's sitting at 70 now.
