What are you playing?

I’ve been playing Yakuza Kiwami and replaying Red Dead Redemption.

I also started Final Fantasy XV like a million years ago, so should probably finish that.
I am playing the New God of War on my PS4 and The Witcher 1 on my PC just now.

At the Moment I am into that Fantasy stuff right now. And I enjoy both Games a lot. Especially the Witcher amazes me. I was never into that series until recently because the Videos about it looked quite boring. But thanks to the steam summer sale I got Witcher 1 and 2 and I really like part 1 so far.

Nice dark Fantasy world interesting characters and quite a challenging combat system . I really like it.

PS: Concerning the RE camera angle discussion:

I am a big fan of the old RE Games. Tr me Code Veronica was the last true Resident Evil and with 4 the series died a premature dead. Only RE 7 brought the series back to live.

And still I do not want the fixed camera angles back. This gameplay system is too limited. Especially the combat system. You cannot do much combat wise. With the over the shoulder camera you can make the combat more interesting. You can aim at the weak spots of the enemies.

I really think that RE 2 Remake is on track and will be a great game. The new camera does not kill the atmosphere of it. I will be a scary game.

It is also important to consider that the fixed camera system was not used back then to make the game more scary it was used due to the technical limitations back then.
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Man do I wish I had a Saturn. I loved "Bug!" and Sega Rally.
I was addicted to Sega Rally for years! My brother and I used to get up early at the weekends just to sneakily try to displace the other on the leader board! :ROFLMAO: Bug was a guilty pleasure too. Not many of my friends liked it though.

I'm currently playing skyrim. I'll finish it one day!
I started playing Heavy Rain last week and I am hating the controllers and how the QTEs are integrated. The main problem is: I don't want to shake the controller because in 2009 everything was about motion controllers!!!
Just finished Tomb Raider Anniversary and Tomb Raider Legend back-to-back on PC. I was planning on jumping right into TR Underworld (the only one in that trilogy that I never played), but I figure I'll come back to it a bit later so I don't get too burnt out on tomb-raiding and exotic animal-killing.

Started The Misadventures of Tron Bonne instead. I've been in a Mega Man Legends mood lately (probably a result of having finally watched a bit of the anime Nadia: Secret of Blue Water, which has a lot of similarities), but I've played the first game about a hundred times through, so I figured I'd try going through Tron Bonne and MMLegends 2 back to back. Played both in the past and loved them, but it's been a pretty long while.
That Tomb Raider trilogy's actually next on my list for large story games. Though I've got all the AC games up to and including Syndicate to get through, so that'll probably take me a good two or three years...!
Just started Yakuza 6 last night...I don't think even Shenmue 1 and 2 will be able to tear me away from this game now. Game is so good and it's so refreshing seeing Yakuza looking so good. And all those mini games! Can't stop playing them all.

Also about 2/3 of the way through a right hidden gem of a game called GrimGrimoire, which is a PS2 game that we never got in Europe but was released on the PS3 PSN developed by NIS and Vanillaware. The game is like this Japanese RTS where you control units of all kinds; elves, pixies, gremlins, dragons, chimeras, witches, demons, the grim reaper etc.

The story is also surprisingly good as well - think Groundhog Day (there's a time loop, normally as a twist occurs) meets Tim Burton with a murder mystery/conspiracy storyline set in a castle full of weird characters. Shouldn't forget to mention the music is composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto as well, so it's all great stuff.

Still great how I can go back to games from the PS2 and find more gems I never played before.
Still great how I can go back to games from the PS2 and find more gems I never played before.

True, there's a lot from that era that got forgotten due it being released among more well known great games. Now and then I happen to discover some of those on Youtube .
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Just finished Emily Wants To Play Too.

Played the original because it was sorta easy to complete and quite fun for such a little shocking game.
Naturally picked up the sequel later but only got myself to start it today.

This one was a lot bigger but also easier because the combination of dolls is a lot more forgiving. Also helps that you can turn off the jump scares. It's not that I easily get freaked out by those but if you are under pressure while playing the game and not sure if you avoided the doll right, they make the whole thing a ton more stressful.
This Zone of the Enders 2 remaster is absolutely lovely. Got it on PS4 just for the sake of a physical copy, but I've been actually playing it on Steam, and this thing is really well-optimized. Max settings, and it still runs silky smooth, 60fps on my shitty little computer. I mean, yeah, granted, it was originally a PS2 game, so no big deal, right? But even as a PS2 game, it's such a beauty that it's kind of a shock to see it look this good and still run so well on my computer.
Friggin dream-like, playing it this way. Still one of my favorite games of all time.
It's only unfortunate that they didn't give the first game this same treatment. In the past, if I decided to play any of the series, I'd usually play both games in sequence since they're so short anyway. So jumping right into the second, it feels like I'm starting halfway through. And since the first game is so short, I'm not really betting on Konami putting it out there later on. I mean, why would they, after remastering this, the superior of the two games?

Anyway, also finally decided to give Clock Tower on PS1 a go. Never really played any of it before; I finished the original game on an SNES emulator years ago, going so far as to get all the endings, but I never started the PS1 sequel. Still just as awkward as ever, but I love it. Still incredibly unique, all these years later.
And maybe if I finish it, I'll finally be in a mood to play Hifumi Kono's spiritual successor to the series, Night Cry. Been meaning to get to that one of these days.
Spider-Man (PS4)

Pleasantly surprised by how much I'm enjoying it. I'm already thinking about how much I'd like a sequel.
Been playing some DC Universe Online. I love how MMOs have such messy, in-depth UIs, yet make no attempt to explain half the shit in the game.
Recently finished Shenmue 1 and 2, and Yakuza Kiwami. Recently started Bioshock (probably about half way through that now), but I’ve also been playing Tekken 7.
Recently finished playing Detroit: Become Human and started a second round to pick different actions. Also recently finished the latest God of War, but still want to go back to finish up some things - it's probably one of my top favourite games now. Before that, I finished Yakuza 0 which I ended up not being very impressed by unfortunately; I enjoyed Sleeping Dogs more, and also think that GTA5 was more fun (just thought I'd throw that in there since they do have many similar gameplay elements).

Been playing Final Fantasy Brave Exvius for about a year now. It's a gacha-type single player RPG strategy mobile game. Personally I haven't put any money into and don't feel the need to, but it also has a great community who are very helpful.

I am looking forward to Death Stranding :p.
This week Shenmue II, starting on Thursday only Switch stuff since I will be in the beach
So the PS4 Spider-Man is pretty great.
Not perfect by any means. Took me a long while to really get into the combat; something about it just feels a little more finicky than the Arkham games (which are obviously the main influence).
Regardless, the web swinging is excellent (if a tiny bit imprecise), and the level of production on the whole thing is pretty impressive. I don't think I'm all that far into the story, but it is shaping up nicely, and the dialogue and acting is all great. Nice that Peter isn't stuck in high school too; god, that shit gets old. It's great that they decided to go with a Spider-Man who's been operating for a good number of years already; I'm so fucking tired of origin stories. Glad as hell they skipped all that, despite starting up a fresh new version of the Marvel universe.

Most striking thing about it, though: where the Arkham games did extremely well in driving home the idea of Batman, the detective, Insomniac's Spider-Man does a great job of building up Peter Parker, the scientist. So many of the side-activities rely entirely on the basis of his scientific knowledge and interest, and it's really refreshing to finally see a Spider-Man game that isn't just fighting and web-swinging (though obviously that still makes up the bulk of it).
There's a helluva lot to love here. I think I'll definitely be investing in the season pass or whatever. Seems like the kind of game it'll actually be worth it for.