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looks like a gang yobs used this panic as an excuse to loot a supermarket last night.

hopefully they will stamp out this criminality before it triggers another 2012 style, london riots.
looks like a gang yobs used this panic as an excuse to loot a supermarket last night.

hopefully they will stamp out this criminality before it triggers another 2012 style, london riots.
The government announced that if it gets to the next stages, the police will only respond to serious crimes. Can imagine all the Road-Men rubbing their hands together in anticipation.
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Goodbye liberty and basic human rights.

Should we implement these draconian laws on a provisional, temporary basis for a few months with a renewal clause to extend them if necessary? Naaaah, let's just sweep them in for two whole years, even though all this virus crap will be just a normal part of our lives by then.

Oh and just heard that one of our local supermarkets during it's quiet "over 70s only" period this morning (most supermarkets are now doing this to allow the elderly shop in isolation and give them an opportunity to stock up) ended up having people of all ages rushing in and taking most of the food for themselves. Apparently things got nasty and those below 70 refused to leave and ended up buying a lot of the food.
Oh and just heard that one of our local supermarkets during it's quiet "over 70s only" period this morning (most supermarkets are now doing this to allow the elderly shop in isolation and give them an opportunity to stock up) ended up having people of all ages rushing in and taking most of the food for themselves. Apparently things got nasty and those below 70 refused to leave and ended up buying a lot of the food.
Yea. I saw this happening here as well Just wait a fucking hour you evil lil shits.
The bootlickers, Boris fanclub and Government apologists on social media are annoying as fuck.

Do people in your countries keep feeling the need to say what a wonderful job your leaders are doing and shield them from criticism or is it just a UK thing?
If anyone is interested in a read aiming to be more 'objective' (the philosopher in me shudders, even though I'm no epistemological relativist), John Hopkins U is updating this page every hour or so:

Ventured to the supermarket this morning. Plenty of stock but it was so busy. Most of it will be gone come lunchtime.

I'd shut the supermarkets for a day and let them catch up

Our local Asda are opening an hour early on Sunday for people who work in the NHS, Police etc.
While this is really awesome of them, they could just limit the amount of an item one customer can buy.
None of our local supermarkets are doing this and it's ridiculous.
The PM has ordered pubs and restaurants to close tonight.... I wonder if we'll get this type of response every flu season. The standard flu kills around 15,000 people a year in this country; the same demographics and it is spread the same way.
Our local Asda are opening an hour early on Sunday for people who work in the NHS, Police etc.
While this is really awesome of them, they could just limit the amount of an item one customer can buy.
None of our local supermarkets are doing this and it's ridiculous.
I got a message from Tesco that they are limiting ALL items to two per customer.
Christ almighty, they're out in force today. I have seen so many viral posts being shared on Facebook banging on about what a great job Boris is doing. It honestly makes me want to puke to be honest. I've seen at least 5 or 6 of my friends sharing that utter shite (and each person they have shared tries to act politically neutral, but a minute of digging into their profile and it's clear they're Tories anyways).

I think most people have tried to put aside political differences and have aimed not to use these events for scoring cheap political points, but with the greatest respect, the Government and the Prime Minister should never be above scrutiny, criticism or being held to account. If people think they have mishandled and dealt with the issue poorly, and can explain why then they should be listened to (and there are a plethora of medical experts, scientists and experts in other countries who are weeks ahead of us who can explain why. But I get it, your mate Jason down the pub reckons Boris is doing a bang up job because he saw a great analogy with cups of water and, of course, good old cuddly Boris will "get Brexit done")

I really could not give a shit about soppy Boris fanclub apologist crap.

The Tories have spent a decade crippling and underfunding public services. They have closed down hospitals and reduced services. Scientists were warning the world about COVID-19 and our Government ignored those warnings. Then they had the crisis occuring around the world right in front of their eyes, they had the opportunity to prepare and plan and they did absolutely fuck all.

People are dying and people are struggling. No one gives a shit how hard you are for Boris.
Christ almighty, they're out in force today. I have seen so many viral posts being shared on Facebook banging on about what a great job Boris is doing. It honestly makes me want to puke to be honest. I've seen at least 5 or 6 of my friends sharing that utter shite (and each person they have shared tries to act politically neutral, but a minute of digging into their profile and it's clear they're Tories anyways).

I think most people have tried to put aside political differences and have aimed not to use these events for scoring cheap political points, but with the greatest respect, the Government and the Prime Minister should never be above scrutiny, criticism or being held to account. If people think they have mishandled and dealt with the issue poorly, and can explain why then they should be listened to (and there are a plethora of medical experts, scientists and experts in other countries who are weeks ahead of us who can explain why. But I get it, your mate Jason down the pub reckons Boris is doing a bang up job because he saw a great analogy with cups of water and, of course, good old cuddly Boris will "get Brexit done")

I really could not give a shit about soppy Boris fanclub apologist crap.

The Tories have spent a decade crippling and underfunding public services. They have closed down hospitals and reduced services. Scientists were warning the world about COVID-19 and our Government ignored those warnings. Then they had the crisis occuring around the world right in front of their eyes, they had the opportunity to prepare and plan and they did absolutely fuck all.

People are dying and people are struggling. No one gives a shit how hard you are for Boris.
I feel the same about trump supporters... Who were sayings its all a hoax along with him just a few days ago. Now theyre praising him like a hero even tho he is doing terrible, job market is terribe, economy is on life support, cant even reassure people that are scared and instead calls the media nasty... Just for asking for comfort, and dont even get me started on how he shut down the pandemic response team and other services that would have helped us through this mess much easier and those assholes doing insider trading knowing things were about to get fucked. Yah but him and admin are handling this 10-10. Right. Its infuriating. People will die and people have.
The virus is very serious no doubt, but medical advances are happening at a decent rate which should produce treatment drugs, a vaccine, or both, to try and curb the mortality rate down closer to the regular flu.

I'm far more worried about the lasting effects of the oncoming recession. In my country (Canada) half a million people filed for unemployment this week alone. This is just the beginning as well. Far more people will impacted financially than by being sick and with longer term effects.

My hope is that this passes as quickly as possible, and we can return to the insanity we call normal.
My dad informed me earlier on today one of the pharmacies in town is selling 30ml bottles of hand sanitiser (the ones that barely qualify as "pocket-size" and generally cost about £1 a piece) for £8 each. Utter fucking scumbags. This shit really has brought out the worst in people.

not done in the best way but i understand the anger -
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