Random Shenmue III Thoughts

Man, we have superpowers! Very useful superpower at that.

Also, man, I have heard it it all now. Everything from PS2 graphics to the old man shouldn't be able to speak without moving his eyebrows. Why does Shenmue always get the most nitpicked out of any game I know?


It's the easy whipping horse for a lot of people...that's all I can put it down to.

As Giant Bomb said in their quick look for III...it's the "joke of the industry"...and by industry, I assume they mean their little knitting circle who love to claim games are art but are also the first to throw around terms like "dated" for games that don't meet modern standards...which nullifies them as being art and turns them into a product with a best before date attached to them...but don't tell them this...it might cave their minds in to actually think about it.

(yes, I stole that line from that awesome Youtube video comparing Shenmue to Theater...but to be fair, it's something similar I have thought on my own as well before hearing it and agree wholeheartedly with....I find the term "dated" to be a lazy and overused critique in general)
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The worse thing is they all think they're clever when they repeat these tired points...like they actually had something original to say when in fact they're just repeating what another said as if it's something of their own.

It is scary how people can be so easily manipulated....almost like the act of thinking for themselves is too scary.

As for Sterling, meh, I'd rather not waste the energy on watching a video seething with hatred purposely designed that way because it's the only way he can get clicks anymore. Like a parasite leeching off an easily inflamed mob.

I'd rather watch a video that has something insightful to say. Like that digitallydownloaded video that had something thoughtful to say about the game instead of just "LoOkS lIkE Ps2 GrApHiCz" or YaKuZa DoEs It bEtTeR (even though I only jumped on the bandwagon at Yakuza 0 and largely flat out ignored those games for many years beforehand and now I think I'm an expert on the series)"

As much as I love Yakuza 0 for giving the series a new spark of life with a new audience...I also kind of hate the fact that it kind of paved the way for this shit where everyone now thinks they're an expert on that series because they played one game from the franchise. I seem to remember a time where the media largely ignored Yakuza. Even gave it wildly mediocre reviews at times. Much to the annoyance of fans such as myself. :D Funny how things change.

The hyperbolic shit gets really tiring...

sums up my thoughts perfectly. Especially the Yakuza part.
Guess I just don’t know what to say other than that did you finish Shenmue 1? By the end of the game it was already obvious that with everything that happened between them and the whole thing with the Mad Angels and her moving to Canada already left them departing on a sour note. It speaks volumes that even Tom going back to America has far more emotional weight, too. A ton of things can happen in just a few short months, as the events of both 2 and 3 show, especially with meeting someone like Shenhua in turn of being rid of what was a minor case of young puppy love.
I mostly agree with what you're saying, but how would any of that make them start calling each other by their last names? That just seems ridiculous to me. If anything, they just wouldn't be talking to each other on the phone at all. But why would Ryo bother to call her and suddenly they're calling each other Harasaki and Hazuki? That's just not how people are. Even if you called an old friend for the first time in ten or twenty years, you would normally still be on a first name basis.

Also, I wouldn't say that they necessarily departed on a sour note. It just was a situation where circumstances made a future between them impossible. I think the Mad Angels thing made their bond closer if anything. Have you ever tried calling her or visiting Dobuita and speaking to her the next day (in between getting fired and meeting Tom)?

It's just really obvious to me that the last name thing is a translation issue and not meant to show how far apart they've drifted or anything like that.

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It's the easy whipping horse for a lot of people...that's all I can put it down to.

As Giant Bomb said in their quick look for III...it's the "joke of the industry"...and by industry, I assume they mean their little knitting circle who love to claim games are art but are also the first to throw around terms like "dated" for games that don't meet modern standards...which nullifies them as being art and turns them into a product with a best before date attached to them...but don't tell them this...it might cave their minds in to actually think about it.

(yes, I stole that line from that awesome Youtube video comparing Shenmue to Theater...but to be fair, it's something similar I have thought on my own as well before hearing it and agree wholeheartedly with....I find the term "dated" to be a lazy and overused critique in general)
What idiots. Gerstmann just thinks it's the "joke of the industry" because he's always hated Shenmue, and the rest of the Giant Bomb staff are his puppets/lackeys.

They also have delusions of grandeur by thinking that they speak for the entire industry. Why don't they say that to Michael Huber or John Linneman, or anyone else who's in the industry and is a huge fan?
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Seeing how many modern gaming "Critics" are mostly obsess w/ graphics whoredom it does feel like the old guards who once appreciates all types of games within their own genres/context are now replaced with ascended forum posters with some negative reviews written like it's coming from shit-posters. Comparing AAA productions/diff genres & scope that doesn't apply to Shenmue is an easy giveaway. If not, outright exposing the haters/laziness.

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It's the easy whipping horse for a lot of people...that's all I can put it down to.

As Giant Bomb said in their quick look for III...it's the "joke of the industry"...and by industry, I assume they mean their little knitting circle who love to claim games are art but are also the first to throw around terms like "dated" for games that don't meet modern standards...which nullifies them as being art and turns them into a product with a best before date attached to them...but don't tell them this...it might cave their minds in to actually think about it.

(yes, I stole that line from that awesome Youtube video comparing Shenmue to Theater...but to be fair, it's something similar I have thought on my own as well before hearing it and agree wholeheartedly with....I find the term "dated" to be a lazy and overused critique in general)
I'm not really one to rack my brain over the "games are/aren't art" debate as that depends entirely on what criteria for art you're using (since fucking no one agrees on that), but that "best before date" line is great.
These comparisons ... a full Konami studio vs a brand new studio without a consistent publisher
... but what about the graphics??????
... because all modern expensive games have super highend graphics and characters right, like Fallout 4,
Monster Hunter World, Borderlands 3 or even games published directly by Sony like Nioh.
Kingdom Come Deliverance had a total budget of 35 mil and it doesnt have the best graphics ever, so?
No, doesnt matter, we only accept the best of the best for Shenmue, because ... i dont know.

I used to deal with this nonstop when Shenmue 2 was released for the original xbox. Halo fans would absolutely bash the shit out of the game, I remember some of the comments were just absolutely brutal. I tried to introduce friends and they never gave it a chance. I had a hard enough time playing it on my own without family members mocking the game. Fortunately, I am no longer friends with most of those people.

This awful tweet blew up with the usual addition of made up facts to make Ys Net look bad.
A shitty twitter and a piece of turd skin textures compared. Avalanche Reviews (2012) and a random turd of the internet. Both had (roughly) less than 2k followers. Pay attention to the points of articulation in the tweets and grammar.

I am weird I know but I think Shenmue 3 is more Beautiful than any AAA game. Because it still tries to look like a Video game and is not attempting to be photo realistic.

I do not get why People are so obsessed with photo realism and the holy cow facial animations. We are not there yet for such stuff. The more realistic games just look wrong to me. Not convincing at all. Something important is still missing to consider them as real.

I prefer the Video game look of the late 90s and early 00 years. Such stuff will Always look great.

There also too many hypocrites in the Industry. 8 bit and 16 bit era 2d graphics is very cool now and People seem to like up to These days but the early 3d look is seen in a way too negative way.
I'm not really one to rack my brain over the "games are/aren't art" debate as that depends entirely on what criteria for art you're using (since fucking no one agrees on that), but that "best before date" line is great.

I fall somewhere in the line that games are an artform but most don't really strive to be much more than entertainment...which is kind of how I feel about film as well. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against entertainment.

Still, people sniff at comedies but I've seen some wonderful comedies in my life that have truly made me think about what they're saying with the joke...to me that's an expression of art. It's trying to convey something through a medium. I love the South Park movie for example...I think it's one of the most brilliant satires on the topic of censorship that has a great point to it...I would consider that art.

Most (like movies) exist simply to make money and give entertainment in return, but there are games that do strive to say something or do something with the medium...much like film really.

I agree, no one can agree on what is art so it is sometimes a frustrating and pointless argument...I just find it funny that the people who will go to bat over this topic for games are also usually the first ones to use dated and treat the art form as merely product when it suits them...makes me wonder if they've ever thought about this or if they're just that short sighted to realise the power of the words they choose?
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Did I just win an argument on the Internet against an AngryJoe fan? I think I did. I at least made him consider the other side.

Screenshot_2019-12-03 Shenmue III Rapid Fire Review - YouTube.png
Okay, so I just reloaded my game and decided to click 'continue' just in case an autosave will return me to where I was without me losing too much progress.

This is really weird. My game crashed during
the second warehouse fight with Mr Muscles, when Ren joins you. When I reloaded my game, I was in the warehouse and able to wander around, but I couldn't progress. I was just stuck... in the warehouse... wandering around. So I just had to reload one of my manual saves and do the whole fight again.
Okay, so I just reloaded my game and decided to click 'continue' just in case an autosave will return me to where I was without me losing too much progress.

This is really weird. My game crashed during
the second warehouse fight with Mr Muscles, when Ren joins you. When I reloaded my game, I was in the warehouse and able to wander around, but I couldn't progress. I was just stuck... in the warehouse... wandering around. So I just had to reload one of my manual saves and do the whole fight again.
Exact same thing happened to me on Sunday.
Some gamers are really hard to please. No matter what devs do some people will always complain. This has nothing to do with Shenmue directly but a bit indirectly.

Some games are complaining about the non photo realistic look of Shenmue 3. They do not want to deal with the early 3d art style.

No another fangroup is bitching that they are not getting their ps1/Ps2 graphics. I am referring to the leaked cover of the RE 3 remake. Not sure if is fake or not.

Anyway on this cover Jill and Carlos look more like real people and do not have their more comic style look. It is the classic realistic look of these days video games. Some Fans now bitch about it online.

That is crazy. One game is bashed for their non realistic art style and the critics demand a more realistic look. And then you have another game that has the standard visuals of 2019 and some people are still complaining.

It is hilarious how many gamers with double standards are out there.
I don't know what it is about this game/series, but even though I am capable of noticing the flaws in Shenmue 3 and I am quite critical of the story and pacing, I still can't help but end up arguing with the "Yu Suzuki had the opportunity to provide closure and instead told a rambling aimless story with a crap ending" crowd. I'm talking about the people who gasped "WHAT, SHENMUE 3 WON'T END THE STORY! WTF IS YU SUZUKI DOING?" back in 2015, and then again in 2016, and 2017, and 2018, and again in 2019.

I just don't understand the logic. I wish Shenmue 3 had better pacing and an overall better written story, but not because I just want an ending and resolution at any cst. There's seriously people who think Yu Suzuki is either pretentious, deluded, trolling fans, dragging the series out for money (what?) and all sorts of ridiculous things.
I don't know what it is about this game/series, but even though I am capable of noticing the flaws in Shenmue 3 and I am quite critical of the story and pacing, I still can't help but end up arguing with the "Yu Suzuki had the opportunity to provide closure and instead told a rambling aimless story with a crap ending" crowd. I'm talking about the people who gasped "WHAT, SHENMUE 3 WON'T END THE STORY! WTF IS YU SUZUKI DOING?" back in 2015, and then again in 2016, and 2017, and 2018, and again in 2019.

I just don't understand the logic. I wish Shenmue 3 had better pacing and an overall better written story, but not because I just want an ending and resolution at any cst. There's seriously people who think Yu Suzuki is either pretentious, deluded, trolling fans, dragging the series out for money (what?) and all sorts of ridiculous things.

Remember, we're in the age of outrage and negativity being cool. Facts and truth dont matter, no matter how much its repeated