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I'm doing a shop roughly every 10 days and each time I go out the streets are looking busier each time. Regarding my job situation, I completed one second stage interview but didn't get to the next stage because I didn't have another experience in the industry. Fair enough but why make me do two interviews?

I have one more sort of in the pipeline. Done the interview just before the lockdown and feedback was good and it would have progressed to the second stage but they are putting recruitment on hold. I also had someone email me saying they like my profile but again everything has been put on hold.

I've applied for Tesco, Pizza Hut, Domino's and numerous other deliver and retail roles but haven't heard squat. Thought I would get a job as a garbage man as the recruiter said they are not interviewing and could start "tomorrow". Simply never heard back.

My wife is on maternity and gets her final proper pay this month. That should cover the mortgage and bills. I also have the car tax, insurance and a child benefit fine I need to pay so probably will have to dip into savings. If I don't find anything this month, will have to apply for a mortgage holiday. I also signed onto the benefits system for the first time in my life.
Life on the dole can be tough and full of false promises. Trust me, I've been on it enough times. What I've found is that job site applications are luck of the draw, and the job centre itself is fucking useless (in terms of getting work) The most surefire way of getting a job is through someone you know, or returning to an old one.

I dunno where exactly you're based or owt like that, but I'd recommend warehouse work at a certain online retailing giant. It's nothing like as portrayed in the media (over here, at least) You don't have to do it forever, and they don't expect you to. Just long enough to keep you ticking over comfortably til all this is over.

If you wanna go for summat else though, ask about. Ask people you aren't necessarily best mates with, or haven't spoken to in a few years, or seen in more. You'd be surprised by who turn out to be the most help in situations such as these.
There's no shame in signing on mate. You've paid in, now it's time to collect when you need it. Back in 2015 I got made redundant twice in two months and I had no qualms signing on in between as that effectively paid my mortgage.
Yeah, not ashamed at all. It's the first time in my life that there's going to be more than a months gap in my employment history. I was also made redundant and have had a few jobs since, more than most, but each time I usually find another within 3 weeks. I officially left my last job end of March and it's looking unlikely I'll find one for April.

Mentally, this is the least stressed I've been in some time but I'm trying my best for it not all to be for nothing. Practically speaking, I significantly tidied up the garden myself and cleared our the storage under the stairs. Mentally, I struggle to sleep and always feel sluggish. This hasn't improved and I don't see how it will. Trying to do exercise at home but always busy with the two year old.
Life on the dole can be tough and full of false promises. Trust me, I've been on it enough times. What I've found is that job site applications are luck of the draw, and the job centre itself is fucking useless (in terms of getting work) The most surefire way of getting a job is through someone you know, or returning to an old one.

I dunno where exactly you're based or owt like that, but I'd recommend warehouse work at a certain online retailing giant. It's nothing like as portrayed in the media (over here, at least) You don't have to do it forever, and they don't expect you to. Just long enough to keep you ticking over comfortably til all this is over.

If you wanna go for summat else though, ask about. Ask people you aren't necessarily best mates with, or haven't spoken to in a few years, or seen in more. You'd be surprised by who turn out to be the most help in situations such as these.
Yeah. I've emailed and called people direct when it comes to warehouse and similar roles. Called someone today who emailed me back to say as soon as she has something she'll definitely be in contact.

I'm London based and have worked in "professional services" and finance for the past 10 years or so. When it comes to job hunting, it is definitely luck of draw and who you know. I've had 5 jobs in the past 10 years. One, the first, I got by applying directly but the rest have been through relationships with recruiters and someone vouching for me.

Best example of this was when I applied directly to a company down the road from me. My profile and experience fit the role to a T and I was less than 10 minutes drive, if that. Got a reply saying thanks but no thanks. A recruiter happened to get in contact about the same role and I was offered an interview. They were practically begging me to join and when I turned them down the director was checking up on me every few months.

Turned out they were struggling to fill the role, especially in the area, and yet had turned me down when I applied directly. Just think it's computer buzzwords picking up on certain things.

Also remember when I was working in retail way back when. I got my job by applying online, going through interviews etc. A few guys come in one day, hardly speak a word of English, and ask for a job. Told them to go online. Long story short, they responded "boss, you know it doesn't work like that". They spoke to my manager and the next day they were all employed.
There's no shame in signing on mate. You've paid in, now it's time to collect when you need it. Back in 2015 I got made redundant twice in two months and I had no qualms signing on in between as that effectively paid my mortgage.

If I may ask, are you doing better, DBL? All the sicknesses taken care of?
If I may ask, are you doing better, DBL? All the sicknesses taken care of?

Yes, thanks Truck. I was very poorly for about a week and that first weekend with the fatigue and fevers was hellish, then it took another week to get my sense of taste back, but I feel 90% better now.

It has shocked me though and I'm making big lifestyle changes. Eating healthier and doing an hour of weights and bag work 5 days a week. That feeling of breathlessness and helplessness scared me into action so hoping some good can come if it. Stay safe everyone
Excellent, great to know you're over the hump!

Speaking of bag work, my heavy bag fell yesterday (hook bent and opened up) with a minute left in my session, but all the hardware stores around here are closed so I can't swap the old hook out for an indefinite period of time :mad:

I tried today, propping it up on a loveseat/seti and it just doesn't work :mad:
Just got news that my grandfather now has it. Caught it while he was in hospital. Frankly, I'm not too optimistic, as he's 78 and has serious difficulties with his breathing. Worried about my mum and sister as well, as they've been in close contact with him.
Staying at home works. Neither I nor my family have had the unfortunate luck to catch this thing.
I just wish people would stop being selfish and follow lockdown procedures. If you don't care if you get it, fine, but spare a thought for the vulnerable people you may be passing it on to.
as others here have pointed out, you really need to keep fit just incase you get sick. after taking 4 months off fitness, im slowly getting back into running + plan to other types of cardio. sucks your Lung capacity drops down to nothing when you stop running.
My neighbours banged their saucepan for the NHS workers and carers last night at 8pm and then proceeded to have friends over for a party, which resulted in them blasting music (terraced housing!) and spending most of the evening in their garden, screaming and arguing as they stand a few feet away from my 3 year old's bedroom window and my bedroom. Think I finally got to sleep at some point between midnight and 1am.

My neighbour works for the NHS and is saying that the hospitals she's worked in are half empty. Hopefully this means it will all, for the most part anyway, return to normal soon. Speaking of 3 year old, mine discovered The Beatles yesterday. Favourite song is Let it Be.
Yeah, my colleague's wife works for the hospital and he was just telling me the same thing. Hopefully the lockdown is working then.

My 3 year old is obsessed with Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. So much so that I get told off if I put any other Pink Floyd music on!
My father was tested yesterday. We don't think he has it but he has had flu symptoms for a few days now. Although today he was feeling better. Again, I don't think he has it. We are going into flu season here in Australia as is, so I think it's either a touch of the regular old flu...or it was the flu vaccine shot he got last week that knocked him around a bit (it has that effect on some people)

Will wait and see for results though, but alas he has been self isolating in the Caravan away from everyone at least until results come back.

Work is turning into a shit show. We were already preparing to be hit hard with the looming recession not to mention bad business mergers but with every passing week the uncertainty of full time employment for myself (and others in my company) grows.
I'm now down to 8 days a fortnight in my pay cycle (it's company wide for most of us that are still there)...our apprentices were laid off (they were the first to go)'s not too bad I guess when compared to our warranty clerk who is one fortnight on/one fortnight off in his stand is playing games with people. Their one interest is cash flow. Our bosses are fighting desperately to keep people on but yeah, it's just a complete and utter shit show all around....the whole thing is just a complete and utter shit show.

I've been working from home and still doing my job, but yeah, like many others, living day to day, week to week not knowing if I'll still have a job come the end of the week.

I feel for anyone here who has lost their job to all of this. I feel your pain to some degree, this uncertainty is fucking with my anxiety as is.

Stay safe's weird times.
Times are a bit rough at the moment. I've been putting in insane hours at work for the last 6 weeks straight or so. Luckily, my company by and large still has enough work. Tried that working from home thing for a week, couldn't stand it. A few of us still come to the office, including myself. You can always keep distance so it's no big deal.

My wife will lose her job at the end of May due to the bad economic situation, her employer may have to close up shop for good, but we don't care anymore. She's already looking for something new, although it will probably be very difficult to find something now. Might take two or three months, I reckon.

Shops and schools are slowly starting to open up again but I don't know what to think. I think it's about time everyone started working again but on the other hand that could lead to a really big outbreak.

One of my uncles turned 90 yesterday and we had a pretty big party planned with like 80-100 people but it all got delayed because Hotels are still closed.

I was gonna see a concert in my city in July but I can't imagine that is gonna happen. Been looking forward to that for like a year.

Yeah, times are hard now. Keep a stiff upper lip everyone!
Previously when looking for work it has taken me 4 weeks at the most, now I am hearing next to nothing despite jobs being advertised. Could be the new CV format, could be the competition.

The lack of Me time is getting to me a little. I'm constantly with my 3 year old and trying to potty train him as well. I relish going on a shopping run and spending 20 minutes standing in a queue to get inside as I have a minute to myself :giggle:
Somehow, fuck knows how, it fell under my remit apparently to coordinate and be the lead in overseeing risk assessments being completed for 4,500 odd vulnerable children and young people in response to the Covid-19 situation (on top of everything else I do). So I have also been doing crazy hours.

I'm thinking this whole working full time from home whilst looking after a toddler thing really isn't sustainable in the slightest. My wife is also working from home. It's a nightmare when we both have Skype meetings that clash or we're both mega busy with crazy deadlines at the same time.
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